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willk95 OP t1_j909aj4 wrote

It looks nice at the right angles, but at the wrong angles it looks like an anaconda with fingers


Troytato t1_j909ljc wrote

That’s SO much more flattering than the other photos I’ve seen.


-castle-bravo- t1_j90aktg wrote

Don’t know why this got so much hate? As far as sculpture goes it’s pretty rad?


Different-King1995 t1_j90aqd7 wrote

It kinda looks like an AI tried to draw someone about to get piledrivered with their legs behind their head.


dancingmeadow t1_j90ir8o wrote

That's the best picture of it I've seen too, you actually got the right angle, which seems to have eluded most news photogs.


if0nly t1_j90q32l wrote

You should’ve taken a pic from the dick side


DreadpirateBG t1_j90r8kp wrote

Problem I see is that most people will have no idea the context. They will need to post a sign explaining it. It’s a cool concept and well done. But I would never have any idea what it was just by looking at it.


Timely_Elderberry_62 t1_j90tjyc wrote

I'm sorry if people get mad but the first photos I seen of this kinda looked like some one crawling up their own butthole it was real confusing. But that is the best picture of it so far


chaotichistory t1_j90y9u4 wrote

That is the only pic I've seen of that that looks good.


Remesar t1_j916rgk wrote

I need to go look at this in person. I still don't see it.


ResplendentOwl t1_j919df4 wrote

No real hate for it. I will say though that somehow, since I've been watching Doom patrol, it does invoke a little bit of a were-butt vibe, but that's just my brain.


misterjustin t1_j91bvxl wrote

That’s a good analogy. I thought it was like two turds hugging from one angle. It’s really ugly unless you look at it just right and you just finished studying the picture it was based on. Nothing surprising given the bullshit politics of Boston (I live here).


Glittering_Ad3431 t1_j91jmh5 wrote

It’s an eye sore to walk by everyday. No overreacting. I still can’t believe when the artist showed his 3d printed renders nobody told him this was a bad idea. In 20 years kids will hear mlk and think of a big penis or poop statue and not even know why he was important to their everyday lives.


Lokiranea t1_j91k4i7 wrote

Still looks like crap from this angle.


digfor_fire t1_j91kjqq wrote

If it wasn’t for the hand, I would think it’s something going up a persons butthole.


beeloving-varese t1_j91on1v wrote

That’s art. Even if you miss the intention of the artist, it evokes feelings. Then you read the sign and learn a bit more. I think the sculpture is the start. Each new piece of information makes the sculpture more beautiful. My first feeling was not beauty but as I learned more I liked it more. Now I love it, just like the love it expresses.


barneysfarm t1_j91qc21 wrote

Right out the window? Where do you think it went? Everyone involved with this project was paid and that money will continue to flow through the local economy with their own respective spending activities. The money isn't gone and vanished, it's just no longer in the city's budget.

Granted, could that money have been used better? Sure. But it wasn't just lit on fire.


barneysfarm t1_j91r4ti wrote

No it wasn't, many families were able to pay bills and engage in economic activity from what they earned from the project.

That's valuable whether you acknowledge it or not.


barneysfarm t1_j91rhqx wrote

Or throwing it out the window as you said. Which was an egregious misrepresentation of what transpired, moreso reflecting your views than any objective reality of the situation. It's no surprise you've backpeddled here afterwards.


BlindWillieJohnson t1_j91t0q5 wrote

Im not defending this particular piece, but most public art is pretty expensive. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth making.

People love to complain about public art and architecture spending. But would you rather live in cities full of concrete boxes than pay some money to make them look nice? I wouldn’t


psilocin72 t1_j91u0oj wrote

I guess a statue of the great Martin Luther King was just to obvious. I would much rather have a quality piece of statuary.


ILLpLacedOpinion t1_j91v7a7 wrote

I dunno man, still resembles anything but what they intended from my perspective.


BerdIzDehWerd t1_j91vzes wrote

I walk pass the other side of it everyday as the shortest path to get to my work place. It looks like it's holding a massive dong. The back of it should really be against a building since on the other side of it, it's leading to a massive shopping street, therefore a lot of people who try to access the subway station 40 meters from it when coming out of the shopping street will just see an arm holding a massive dong. It's also one of the most busy subway station there as it connects to multiple lines there.


Ahandlin t1_j91w1ar wrote

It just still looks horrible. I'm sorry, I know the meaning behind the statue, but the execution of this piece of 10 million dollars is awful


DoctahDonkey t1_j91wdhp wrote

This monstrosity never fails to bring a smile to my face when it pops up


SuperK123 t1_j91xgmx wrote

Looks like someone waiting for a bomb to explode. Or a student in a very normal active shooter drill.


jimhabfan t1_j91zc0s wrote

Great art is meant to be thought provoking, this fits the bill.


empirestrikes t1_j921l4g wrote

I agree. People are so fucking dumb and have no imagination whatsoever. At least it’s public art that actually says something instead of the usual made-by-committee-corporate-bullshit-drivel that the mouth breathers love. Honestly if an artwork doesn’t offend anyone at all then it wasn’t worth making. Don’t @ me


napayt t1_j9226mz wrote

WOW, it's pretty ugly


Stranger2306 t1_j925b14 wrote

I get what Op is trying to say, but with a 3D medium, artists need to design for all viewing angles- not just 1.


Nigroth1969 t1_j929nfr wrote

I don't know what to think about the statue, but I helped make the bronze plaques in the tile. That part looks great though and was a challenge to meet the specs that the stone cutters required. There is a lot of hand finishing done to these parts and a lot of people put in many hours to get it correct.


captfriendly t1_j92a35k wrote

Here in Orlando, there was once a work of art called "the pineapple". That wasn't the actual name but that's what everyone called it because that's what it looked like. It was ugly, and it pissed people off to the point where some would latch it to the back of their pick up trucks and try and tear it off its base. I expect similar things for for this.


JesusJones207 t1_j92f3hs wrote

Nooooo you’re supposed to take a photo of the least flattering angle so we can all laugh and judge


Ranger176 t1_j92fizi wrote

Even worse than the MLK statue that looks like Mao.


TargetMost8136 t1_j92idqd wrote

I read it as brace as in brace for impact, would probably be more fitting I don’t see how that’s an embrace


CriticalCreativity t1_j92j0yr wrote

I saw it for the first time on Tuesday and remember it being nicer than I expected.


copperpoint t1_j92mhz4 wrote

I'd like to see them try. It weighs 400,000 lbs. It's got a wide enough base that you can't tip it over. There's a low wall surrounding most of it, and then you're in the middle of a public park.


TheA-Train756 t1_j92mzek wrote

Yo wait this is in Boston I thought it was in some random city Midwest !!


DMeadows2 t1_j92q00j wrote

Finally an angle that doesn’t look like a big dick


take7pieces t1_j92rwnd wrote

First it looks like a heart, then it’s like someone hugging a giant penis.


Kyetsi t1_j92sm59 wrote

a turd with fingers and from other pictures at other angles it looks like somebody licking pussy.

overall a very bad statue.


Slice_Into_The_Woods t1_j937cm1 wrote

Even at its best angle, still looks like someone holding their most precious turd…..


myleftone t1_j93a4f2 wrote

If you called it the Headdesk statue I’d believe you.


LarYungmann t1_j93eihe wrote

After seeing the model... someone commissioned this?


0-fish-0 t1_j93epnd wrote

Yes, the statue of adulterous MLK and his wife. Nice statue Boston… so woke.


limabean72 t1_j93fe6g wrote

This for me is right up there with the horse statue at DIA … it just doesn’t do it for me. The meaning and intentions are nice I’ll give you that so no objections there.


Shawn_NYC t1_j93fskl wrote

Even from this, the absolute best angle, it still kinda sucks.

I wish the $10 million spent on this would have gone to getting people to actually sit down and read MLK's letter from a Birmingham jail.


TheDailyDarkness t1_j93ns8n wrote

There are so few angles of interest and artistic integrity to this sculpture, while there are many sex acts, sex toys, poops, dongs, etc.


fish_lyzard t1_j93raie wrote

stupid. maybe next time the public should be allowed to vote on the next piece of crap they're going to install. like it give us a few choices. I guarantee if we only had two choices the other would have been better than this.


routerg0d t1_j93wfyz wrote

I feel like it looks like someone with their head up their ass. I can only see it with the original picture as a reference. Otherwise my mind chooses everything else.


Half-deaf-mixed-guy t1_j941wq7 wrote

If you have to explain what the art is, it's not a good representation of what the artist is trying to display. I shouldn't have to squint 95 times before I see arms and even then, it has to have context to make sense.


CJohnstone90 t1_j942jvs wrote

First time I’ve seen this, why is it holding a piece of poop?


tfaw88888 t1_j947c2g wrote

it looks like arms protecting a giant cock.


anonlasagna23 t1_j94h9vh wrote

They couldn’t just make a statue of MLK and his wife? Tangled arms, really? This statue is dumb.


Egress_window t1_j94ja3f wrote

I’m not sure how I feel about it either. I feel guilty criticizing it bc I’m no artist, but I can’t help but think it could have been so much better (and totally different)..


BravoLima19 t1_j95p650 wrote

Someone got paid actual money to make this. lol


StudentParty2666 t1_j969nx3 wrote

The photo this sculpture is based on is a beautiful depiction of MLK and Coretta. Why they couldn’t have sculpted their entire figures I will never understand. I hate this thing.


newurbanist t1_j96hnx3 wrote

Even from this angle it feels incomplete. When I first saw photos, I had no idea what I was looking at. You (in this case) shouldn't be confused by art. Sculptures are 3D art, meaning they can and will be observed from all angles; that needs to be taken into account when creating a sculpture.


ReedBalzac t1_j96nke4 wrote

What a shame. This is a wasted opportunity to honor a great man.


snapcracklepop26 t1_j96rn56 wrote

To me it looks like a running back holding the ball with two hands as he goes through the line of scrimmage. With buttons on his sleeve(?).

It’s only been a week since the Super Bowl. I’m not going to make it to September.