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BeneficalDalek t1_jac4ref wrote

They deserve them. And stewardess may I have a steak please.


steve_adr t1_jac6j7r wrote

That's such a good boy đŸ‘đŸ»


BarredOwl t1_jackvup wrote

For the humans these are just Premium Economy seats.


PlagueeRatt t1_jaczkn5 wrote

I genuinely would NOT be able to hold the urge back to pet that good pup. Their face just screams “give me pets”


yankeefoxtrot t1_jad6f9v wrote

"First Class"

The amount of people that don't have a fucking clue about flying is disturbing.


ItsAlwaysSmokyInReno t1_jad6yy3 wrote

Bro that is first class on the airlines like Southwest that a majority of Americans can afford these days.

Shitty American “flag carriers” like American, United, and Delta have amazing first class that are multiple thousands of dollars. It’s really where those airlines make all their money.

Meanwhile, for the other 99% of passengers the regular seats are smaller than southwest, customer service shittier, and you are nickeled and dimed for every little service that should be included

Fuck overly privileged people who buy those first class tickets and prop up that garbage business model


JunkiesAndWhores t1_jad8hht wrote

“The queue for the toilet lamppost is taking forever” - dog


pk10534 t1_jadf82z wrote

Do you understand how expensive flying was back in the day
like no, American Airlines is not going to give you a first class experience like Emirates, but you’re also not paying $20,000 for a ticket from an airline subsidized with billions in oil revenue


ItsAlwaysSmokyInReno t1_jadgey1 wrote

I’m not comparing American to Qatar airways.

Qatar is the best in the world because it’s government subsidized with natural gas (not oil) revenues. That’s why I didn’t put it in my comparison. It’s apples to oranges

I compared American domestic carriers. And I excluded budget airlines like Frontier or Spirit because that’s also comparing apples to oranges

When comparing comparable airlines, United/American/Delta to Southwest/Alaskan, the former lag behind in every significant category other than passengers and routes served. And that’s because they’re the only option often. And they’re also subsidized by the government like Qatar airways to operate these routes

Despite subsidization, and increased competition both from within and outside of their market niche, they still remain depressingly underwhelming business ventures that the free hand of the market would wipe out if the government would redirect those airline subsidies to high speed rail construction


cld1984 t1_jaeklqa wrote

Mexican quake dog is not a combination of words I would have imagined myself encountering. Fine work, pups!


Stingerc t1_jael65y wrote

The Turkish government said they were heros and refused to let them travel in the storage compartment, instead insisting they all travel in first class in their return to Mexico.

We love those dogs to bits here in Mexico, specially us who have lived through an earthquake and seen all the amazing, heroic things they do.


hotlavatube t1_jaepeh9 wrote

I’ve flown first class on domestic carriers in the US and had seats like that. Not every carrier has nice lay flat seating in first. Some of the international first class seats are pretty nice, but rarely the domestic ones.


AsFarAsItGoes t1_jaeuict wrote

Your comment made me curious about how dogs usually travel in airplanes, and some googling later: me thinks not being in a box in economy already is the equivalent to first class

I found some hilarious guidelines, saying that pets can travel in a box that fits under the seat in front of yours. That’s like a 40cm/1 foot space. I’d not even want the tiniest of dogs to travel like that.

Other ways are more like checked baggage, also in a box of course, and unless you specifically train a dog to do that, it seems like a horrible thing to do to your regular pet.

I am not surprised the dogs from OP get special treatment. They are trained to do one thing specifically, and anything that could mess them up psychologically (like being trapped in a box away from their handlers for hours in an airplane) has to be avoided, so they can do what they’ve been trained for.