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xprmntng t1_j5g7umh wrote


WannieTheSane t1_j5ityds wrote

This was my first thought and I came to the comments hoping for it.

Thank you!


Addicted2GravyTears t1_j5jrv4u wrote

Black footed cat is even more dangerous than a baby yoda. I believe they're the most efficient hunters among all wild cats.


erosram t1_j5jyyp3 wrote

I feel like this looks like it could be a real photo


_RitZ_ t1_j5kltaq wrote

My instant reaction: Ooouuuuhhhh that's gooood!


i_am_a_bot_ama t1_j5gnzsf wrote


DerpsAndRags t1_j5hxf05 wrote

I'd fill that bowl with nums and tuna treats thrice over.


EsteemedFellow t1_j5ga37a wrote

Here's my submission,


i_am_a_bot_ama t1_j5iwnd9 wrote

Don't submit u/EsteemedFellow ! As lovely as that is, I'd much rather see your work over an AI's. Bots are not your overlords yet! :)


EsteemedFellow t1_j5ix3pv wrote

Upon the invention of the printing press, many naysayers posited that it would bring about the downfall of civilized society. Such things are not dissimilar to those which have been levied against Ai.


Cheesemacher t1_j5ixmz4 wrote

It's kinda like using a printing press to produce a work for a calligraphy exhibition


i_am_a_bot_ama t1_j5ixyu4 wrote

I love AI, some of my best friends are AI. I think it's a great tool. I made this in about 30 seconds. Did you post that just to get a conversation going or are you really proud of it. If you are, more power to you my friend, I think it turned out lovely.


EsteemedFellow t1_j5izng8 wrote

With a sense of pride, I must confess that though the final product was achieved through the utilization of the modern technology of Photoshop, and required but a brief interval of two minutes for the employment of inpainting and the selection of appropriate prompts for the application of Stable-Diffusion to yield a satisfactory result that retained a semblance of the original image. It is my fervent desire, through the continued creation of works utilizing the artifice of artificial intelligence in my leisurely pursuits, to improve my own proficiency in its utilization, and to encourage my fellow artists to incorporate its use in their own workflows, thus enabling them to achieve greater speed and proficiency in the creation of their art.


[deleted] t1_j5fs4q0 wrote



ApiContraption t1_j5fs4rh wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

Check out the /r/photoshopbattles "Best of 2020" Results!

Other subreddits for 'shoppers: /r/cutouts, /r/battleshops

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TrilobiteTerror t1_j5io8sa wrote

Specifically, it's a black-footed cat, the smallest wild cat species in Africa.