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Sniper-Dragon t1_j4kxn1i wrote

First gay russian couple on their honeymoon. They had to keep their love secret for over 30 years


thethunder92 t1_j4l2ong wrote

Putin started the war in Ukraine just so they could see each other ♥️


wagdog1970 t1_j4l5pa1 wrote

We just idled away the days holding each other to ward off the chill of the evening Baltic wind. Even now, years later, I find myself thinking wistfully of his strong arms around me, his mustache nuzzling my neck. How I long for those dreamy days before the tribunals began. ~ Putin, Diary of a Dictator


keestie t1_j4mda1y wrote

I love how in this pic, Putin looks like the bottom. Role reversal can be a lot of fun.