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MuricanA321 OP t1_j1i9o1r wrote

Nah- rime is the uniform but milky white ice. Think of what builds up in a freezer.


PM_ur_Rump t1_j1icrr0 wrote

I'm very familiar with rime and hoar, being an avid snow sports enthusiast. This looks like both, but also neither. Hoar tends to be more uniform in all directions, and feathery, delicately white, not clear either. It probably is sort of a combination of the two. With rime being deposited, and hoar "growing."


MuricanA321 OP t1_j1ids55 wrote

Hoar is only all directions in zero wind. This is hoarfrost in the beginning stages of thaw. Also familiar as a pilot (we issue reports on types of ice).


PM_ur_Rump t1_j1ieur7 wrote

Word. I can see that. Just never seen it this bulky and clear but it might be the photo making it look "bigger" than it actually is.


PM_ur_Rump t1_j1ifb2x wrote

Yeah looking closer, I can see that it's actually a delicate flower-skeleton of a sort and not a bigger branch, and the spikes that look like they are two or three inches are maybe one.

I stand corrected.