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ApiContraption t1_isyi8ee wrote

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ijm5012 t1_iszddn3 wrote

That’s an ugly-ass dog, and NGL, as I scrolled past I thought it was a sloth.


mostlydeaf t1_isznoko wrote

His name is Mr Peanuts, it says so on his carrying bag


findallthebears OP t1_it08uld wrote

It's actually Mr Peanut's. I'm not really sure what to do with it


Icypalmtree t1_it0p34w wrote

Mr peanut is a brand. Have same carrier for my cat.


xX420GanjaWarlordXx t1_it1h56p wrote

Why does the dog look more like a frog? This thing is an abomination and its blood line should not be continued.