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[deleted] t1_iu31nja wrote



ApiContraption t1_iu31njz wrote

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Tattycakes t1_iu43oks wrote

Disappointed I haven’t seen Han Solo carbonite yet!


carbondragon t1_iu46fhu wrote

I wanna see the silhouette the kid's face makes when the dad inevitably farts while he's in dads are wont to do.


AmishTechno t1_iu4h1ng wrote

Dad- you know what to do. Release the nastiest, longest, foulest fart you've ever farted.


Karzdan t1_iu56zp9 wrote

No "Quaid, Start the reactor!" yet? I'm shocked!


Vroomped t1_iu56kk1 wrote

As much as I love attempting my ideas I very much lack the skill on this one.
Can somebody please work this into the new Gundam Star Wars pose, with space twister pose. Or the Gundam NT of the same pose.
I just saw that then this, and imo its perfect.


thisisfutile1 t1_iu7m4jb wrote

No one made the face coming out of his butt? Too obvious?