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xprmntng t1_j923h3r wrote


g0wr0n t1_j91tubw wrote


knowsguy t1_j93dvd3 wrote

As long as he still has abs on his shins, he will remain the most dangerous.


Detective51 t1_j94jm3q wrote

My favorite of the post and only the second Iโ€™ve seen, no need to look further.


ZalmoxisChrist t1_j92dfx0 wrote


LostTerminal t1_j93hh74 wrote


I know it's not a photoshop, but wow, is this relevant! Sorry.


TomatoOrangeMelon t1_j94wmnu wrote

Thatโ€™s what the non photoshop comment thread at the bottom of every PSBattle post is for. Shame on everyone who upvoted this (22 upvotes currently).


LostTerminal t1_j968rkw wrote

Well, it would have helped me (this being my very first interaction in this sub) if that were mentioned in the rules of the sub.

I read them before commenting, and the rules say my non-ps comment could be removed at modmin discretion, but nothing at all about a specific section of comments for non-ps comments.

And I did apologize, knowing full-well that my comment was not a photoshop and could be removed. Sorry for offending you so much.


[deleted] t1_j915jvo wrote



ApiContraption t1_j915jwf wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

Check out the /r/photoshopbattles "Best of 2020" Results!

Other subreddits for 'shoppers: /r/cutouts, /r/battleshops

^Posting ^a ^cutout? ^Please ^read ^this.

^(Helpful links for this image:) ^Other ^Discussions ^| ^KarmaDecay ^| ^Google ^Image ^Search

^(This is an automated response) ^FAQ ^| [^Send ^Feedback]( thingId&message=Link to post


withloveuhoh t1_j9457ok wrote

I wish I could photoshop well. All I could see when I looked at OP's picture was a bear being eaten alive by two Weedles. The expression on the bear looks very "this is fine"


Da_Boom t1_j93svnk wrote

Kinda hoping for an aggressive version of "do you know the muffin man"