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GENERAL-KAY t1_j8myb7t wrote


Dukati916r t1_j8n5n6a wrote

Eyes up guardian


automated_bot t1_j8n891v wrote

I have a sudden urge to take out Valus Tu'arc, who commands his siege dancers from an Imperial Land Tank in Rubicon.


TFS_Sierra t1_j8n8vto wrote

To be fair, we did step into a war with the Cabal on Mars, whether we wanted it or not.


ratatack906 t1_j8nso18 wrote

I believe you mean Rockets McDickface.


automated_bot t1_j8nv88m wrote

It's the dude that was in charge of gate-keeping whatever reward was popular at the time. Don't you remember?


ratatack906 t1_j8ny010 wrote

I remember running nightfalls for that shit with solar burn on….shrieks in agony


Mike13v2 t1_j8nbpn5 wrote

Nice to see fellow guardians on here 👍


bushman622 t1_j8nq87y wrote

The new DLC Lightfall crucible map, “Ohio Dead Zone”


Joiion t1_j8nlc1n wrote

The darkness dlc from the first game is a fitting place for Ohio now


HappyCatPlays t1_j8nk8b0 wrote

Sad to know that Destiny is ending


sahzoom t1_j8np7np wrote

That's not what's happening - the light and dark story is ending, but the game will continue after the Final Shape, Bungie has stated this multiple times...


HappyCatPlays t1_j8npom2 wrote

Oh... well now I feel stupid. And also sad because I'll still have to pay for more DLCs


automated_bot t1_j8nvqoe wrote

Once you understand that they hired a PhD to mess with your head, you'll "get it."

Then you'll continue to grind for the Gallarhorn. Because "you've already invested ALL THIS TIME in the game."


mitch8845 t1_j8o52yr wrote

We've entered a war with the Cabal on Mars.


[deleted] t1_j8n5qu5 wrote



Oblivisteam t1_j8n60d2 wrote

I don't see what changed, care to point it out for me?


1-LegInDaGrave t1_j8pskht wrote

I had flipped it but it still showed as sideways. For some reason Relay (the app I use) was still showing it the same even after I flipped it.


Oblivisteam t1_j8qgon7 wrote

No worries, that explains it. Apps do weird things to make everything work.


Llamadmiral t1_j8mmrgb wrote


imetators t1_j8mqrw3 wrote

Somehow I knew what I will see after clicking this link 🤣


LurkerPatrol t1_j8mvkap wrote

Why is the mole on Madagascar lol


Chuck_Walla t1_j8o1tqi wrote

That's clearly the island of Ohio, off the coast of Florida [where it has always been].


BelieveInDestiny t1_j8nto4f wrote

funny, I see this more as someone burning the earth with a magnifying glass


thecodedgamer t1_j8mqthm wrote

Toxic cloud? What toxic cloud?


pileodung t1_j8n0lxn wrote

I'll have to image search this in a week to see how many news outlets used this photo


PM_ME_YOUR_WIRING t1_j8n1gri wrote

NFS will scrape it and use it as a "before and after" of their cleanup efforts.


4list4r t1_j8n8vbg wrote

Media has been ignoring it. All that pollution is headed down Mississippi River then gulf


omega_oof t1_j8nbqcl wrote

Why do people insist the media is ignoring it, I can find the story on most major news sites. Are people wanting live 24hr coverage?


pileodung t1_j8nfkte wrote

It just means your algorithm isn't full of fake news :p


Smoolz t1_j8qsd06 wrote

It's absolutely being ignored to some extent. This happened February 3rd, and it's just now beginning to get widespread coverage. How is that even possible?


PersistentHero t1_j8odyu7 wrote

Because you heard and searched for it.


omega_oof t1_j8of8qx wrote

Well it's not going to still be on the very front page of every news site for someone not in Ohio, is it. The news made stories about it, it may have been the top story on day 1, but I don't get what you expect news companies to do with no major new developments.

Do people want the same news story pinned at the top of all sites and television channels?

Would they rather media companies publish opinion articles saying how a chemical leak is bad 2 times a day?

Perhaps the bigger issue is the lack of a response by authorities, leading to no new story to report on.

It's big news, don't get me wrong, but they are parts of the world outside of Ohio, and other things going on too. People have heard of this event, so the media didn't hide shit. Not every disaster is going to get the same coverage as COVID, especially in today's social climate


PersistentHero t1_j8nfu9e wrote

I haven't seen one story yet except what's on here. I don't watch TV much,not my state not my problem is how it usually goes with news.


heshKesh t1_j8nhf1e wrote

Do you actually seek news or just expect it to pop in front of your eyes?


mtflyer05 t1_j8nqzm8 wrote

I mean, that's half of the problem, I think. People only get the news that they look for, particularly, and most individuals are incentivized to only look for things that inherently agree with their current perspective


PersistentHero t1_j8obgfd wrote

Yeah if it's important I'll eventually hear of it and like most things it doesn't effect me so w/e. It's not about not caring or not feeling bad. But 99% of issues in the world haven't effected my on a personal or financial level yet I make enough to pay my bills eat n go out with friends so I just let those that feel they need to care take care of it like when they donate to charity.


Kamtre t1_j8o9guc wrote

Tbf I heard a radio news article on this yesterday on my drive home so like.. that's pretty MSM. Not like I read newspapers so idk whether it's in those or not.


Joiion t1_j8nlhx4 wrote

Bro delete this it’s too dangerous in the wrong hands (cia fbi)


thecodedgamer t1_j8nm68o wrote

It was done in 3 seconds with my phone. The CIA has much better tech and the people to do this far better and more successfully. Not even to mention just using actual Photoshop.


WetCoastLife t1_j8mxhcz wrote


Capn_Matt t1_j8mtffj wrote

I regret nothing (alt


fonix232 t1_j8nvyrn wrote

Somehow the first thought I had seeing the post was "dammit someone's gonna goatse it in no time"


HunkyMump t1_j8nhqlo wrote

from the title I was expecting a Goat .se adaptation. I changed that link so that it doesn't go the website because it's NSFW, but feel free to go there if it's still


Capn_Matt t1_j8nk6ba wrote

If it's the goatse of old (a big ol' anus being stretched open) then yeah, that's what I was aiming for on a much larger scale, hence the play on words. Maybe everything just looks like a butthole to me. Maybe I should speak to someone about that.


HunkyMump t1_j8nm4po wrote

Just don’t speak to anyone on the internet… lol.


ywBBxNqW t1_j8nzmx0 wrote

FYI even though you put a space before the . Reddit still makes it a hyperlink. If you want to make sure it doesn't resolve you can put it between backticks.


HereWhitMyBike t1_j8mtw01 wrote


parks387 t1_j8n7bjt wrote


[deleted] t1_j8m9hr9 wrote



ApiContraption t1_j8m9hrv wrote

Please post any comments that are not a photoshop as a reply to this comment and leave the top of the thread for original content.

I, Bot, removed my first comment to keep this nest at the bottom of the page.

Check out the /r/photoshopbattles "Best of 2020" Results!

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CaptainBunnyKill t1_j8ndl2x wrote

Anyone have an actual link that verifies this photo? I've only seen the photo on reddit but no where on any actual news sources.


MinerDiner t1_j8nug8n wrote

So this is why PointCrow calls Caelid in Elden Ring Ohio


Cakeski t1_j8shvsv wrote

Uh oh... Lord Slug has arrived for the Dragon Balls and to take over Earth.


how_is_this_relevant t1_j8n5jqp wrote

The poor people living near that are being exposed to potentially cancerous and deadly toxins as we speak. Not appropriate for this sub (which is usually light-hearted) if you ask me.


AngryDuck222 t1_j8mxlme wrote

This is in poor taste and should be removed.


Mamertine t1_j8n9olg wrote

I saw the headlines, but didn't comprehend the scope of the issue until I saw this in my feed.

It's spreading awareness of the problem.


C1ue1ess_Duck t1_j8nl90z wrote

If it wasn't for this, wouldn't have seen the photo. Memes and comedy help spread info.


[deleted] t1_j8pgxji wrote
