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genuinely_insincere t1_j65fkfz wrote

should those who spread the lies be held accountable like a person shouting fire in a crowded cinema?

For the love of God, yes

Edit: I hate that they didn't respond to you. You clearly gave THE answer that corrects their mistake. Yet they straight up refuse to acknowledge it.

I think it's actually about emotion, rather than logic.

Leftists often use logic to argue with regressives, because leftists accidentally treat them as if they're being rational.

But I think in reality, the regressives are operating based off of emotion. Then they use logic to hide that. So really, he's just angry about something. He's probably mad about general societal issues, like small micro aggressions that he receives regularly.

Because there's just no way he actually got to that conclusion through logic. And he refused to acknowledge your sound argument. That shows that he is blocked by something. Im guessing it's some kind of emotional damage.

Maybe he sees your comment as some kind of insult. He feels "stupid" when he's corrected. So some kind of shame emotion. Or maybe he just gets rage whenever he encounters any political topic. Similar to road rage. He can't communicate, or he feels out of control. So he feels bottled, and starts spluttering, and becomes angry and rageful. Maybe the rage is another cover up for his feeling of shame and inadequacy.

So I think leftists need to reach out and help these people understand how to deal with conflicts. In order to resolve conflicts, you have to just step back and find a neutral center in your mind, where you can feel calm and uneffected.