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adamdoesmusic t1_j5pg232 wrote

…so they’d have to be molested by a “doctor.”

It’s okay if this person finger rapes your 11 year old as long as they’re an MD?


TNPossum t1_j5pgjsj wrote


  1. physical sex is already in these kids medical records. No further examination needed.

  2. pelvic examinations are already a normal part of physical examinations for children because doctors make sure kids are developing regularly.

Nowhere does it mention a "digital examination" at all.


adamdoesmusic t1_j5ph5tx wrote

Then you weren’t following the hearings…

Either way, the fact that you’re defending this trash AT ALL means you mostly believe in it.

I would never let some random school doctor - who would be selected for this “exam” - to give my kid a physical - especially after what we know about the sorts of people who rush to take those positions.

Exactly what sort of individual do you think would want the job of “examining” a bunch of 11 or 12 year old athletes’ genitals? Ah yea I’m sure they’re just in it for the medical legitimacy of it all, especially seeing as the right wingers who made this policy can’t seem to keep their fingers or dicks out of kids at church or scouts.


TNPossum t1_j5pj3du wrote

No. I don't give a damn if a trans kid plays in school sports because school sports are an extremely trivial matter to worry about. I just think that with all of the other horrible things you can peg Republicans for that's actually true, falsely accusing them of hiring anti-trans doctors to molest children is unnecessary.

>would never let some random school doctor -

It doesn’t say a school doctor. It would be your child's pediatrition. It would be your choice which doctor.

>Exactly what sort of individual do you think would want the job of “examining” a bunch of 11 or 12 year old athletes’ genitals?

Oh.... I don't know... a pediatrition? You know... the people who went to medical school and specialized in child development. Which includes sexual development.

Dude. It's very clear because of some other very reasonable concerns that you've become accustomed to assuming the worst and never questioning things when it comes to Republicans. But I am literally giving you the bill. The bill that was passed from the place that you referenced. And does not mention forced digital examinations, coach picked doctors, or locker room examinations. All it requires is a physicians statement, which you can readily get from your kids' pediatrition.


adamdoesmusic t1_j5pqko1 wrote

It appears that, after massive outcry, the portion I was talking about was dropped.

Your party still proposed it, though.


TNPossum t1_j5prtvf wrote

>Your party still proposed it, though.

Not my party, bud. And the fact that I have to say that again pretty much sums up the issue.


adamdoesmusic t1_j5pvao8 wrote

If they’re not yours, why defend them? This isn’t just some case of misunderstanding or disagreement on policy, like whether we should tax cigarettes or have more carpool lanes.

This is a mainstream political party operating under the “conservatism” umbrella openly calling to have children molested as they make repeated, organized efforts to marginalize minorities and suppress dissent while platforming known white supremacists and far-right leaders.


TNPossum t1_j5pwmqk wrote

>If they’re not yours, why defend them?

Because the truth matters. I do not like Republicans, but I criticize them on what they're actually doing.


adamdoesmusic t1_j5r3at0 wrote

You might wanna update yourself on what they’re actually doing.