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XiphosAletheria t1_j5meabj wrote

I mean, part of it is surely about how you (one) want to be, right? You can be a dick to those who are a dick to you, but then those people will just feel justified in their dickishness, and you will have developed the habit of behaving badly yourself.


JellyfishGod t1_j5n9av7 wrote

You say those who are already acting like a dick will now feel “justified.” But it seems to me that they already feel justified since as we can see they are already doing it. And tbh who cares if a dick acting like a dick “feels” justified. It should be about wether he IS justified. And using the example from the comic, there is no justification for being a nazi.


corporatestateinc t1_j5mfdhs wrote

People will be people. Faced with human nature, for what it is, all we can do is respond to it. There are no unalienable rights, only subjective, competing interests. Their rights end where mine begin, and vice versa. I have no obligation to others, if it disadvantages myself


unoriginal_name15 t1_j5nfxru wrote

I’m sorry you’re being downvoted for asking questions. You’re not necessarily wrong, hypothetically, about the cause and effect of the situation. What I think you’re actually discovering is why it is so important to try to react to (what we may deem) “silly” ideas with the exact same line of question that we answer “real” ideas with. I personally think the whole situation has less to do with “tolerance” and more to do with welcoming new ideas while also making sure we still put them through the same line of scientific questioning that we would anything else.


genuinely_insincere t1_j65cjvx wrote

They're not asking a question. People can make statements and implications in the form of a question. Don't play dumb.