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Latera t1_j5mbb1z wrote

The article of course conveniently bypasses the question how we can tell when an authoritarian movement can no longer be kept in check through open discourse. Given the immense radicalisation of the Republican Party since 2015, given the open attacks on the results of the election and given the attempted coup on January 6th one could arguably make a very strong argument that Liberal society is currently under imminent threat in the United States. Very hard to make the case that US democracy would be save even if Trump were to win in 2024 - pretty disappointing that the article doesn't address this central point.


zhibr t1_j5o2zlw wrote

It does attempt to address it, although I contend it fails in that attempt.

>But what constitutes “based on evidence and ways of reasoning acceptable to all”? According to Rawls we can only answer this question truthfully behind the veil of ignorance2. Because only under the veil the answer would represent an agreement to limit liberty only by reference to a common knowledge and understanding of the world.

The problem is that there is no common knowledge and understanding of the world. We all have our own points of view, and we all make those assessments subjectively.