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Impossible_Hunter_39 t1_j4pgvph wrote

Free will is the only thing that is yours. They word”my” comes from the Sanskrit word “Maya” which means illusion- that which is not.


Mustelafan t1_j4t2h14 wrote

>They word”my” comes from the Sanskrit word “Maya”

Source? I'm seeing that the word "my" comes from proto-Germanic mīnaz (meaning "my") which itself comes from proto-Indo-European méynos (also meaning "my"). PIE predates the Sanskrit language so it doesn't seem there's a shared etymology at all.

Which is pretty much what I expected. The idea that a "myself" could exist is a more intuitive and basic assumption than that "myself" is illusionary; it would make no sense for this equally basic word to stem from such a philosophical perspective. Not that English borrows much directly from Sanskrit anyway. It sounds like someone is trying to push the idea that our 'wiser' ancestors 'knew' the self was illusory through this bad folk etymology. On the contrary I'm pretty sure most of our ancestors would've had a very strong sense of self lol


Impossible_Hunter_39 t1_j4u7nzb wrote

Not sure what you’re saying here. And Sanskrit is the mother language of all. I’ll try to read your thoughtful words when I’m not so tired. Thx for a very thoughtful note.


TrueBeluga t1_j5aj2r7 wrote

Sanskrit is not the mother language of all other languages. There are many languages that predate it and had already branched off before it existed.


[deleted] t1_j4phzpo wrote

Its all about fysiks in the end🤷‍♂️