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EducatorBig6648 t1_j4nuzla wrote

I got bored...

  1. People exist (premise)
  2. People can intentionally harm eachother (premise)
  3. Therefore, intentional harming of others exists (conclusion)


  1. People exist (premise)
  2. People can intentionally protect eachother (premise)
  3. Therefore, intentional protection of others exists (conclusion)


  1. Intentional protection of others exists (premise)

  2. Benevolence (behaviour exhibiting a kind/charitable/altruistic attitude, good will, wishing others well) exists (premise)

  3. Benevolently protecting others is heroism (premise)

  4. Therefore, heroism exists (conclusion)


  1. Intentional harming of others exists (premise)

  2. Malevolence (behaviour exhibiting a hostile/spiteful attitude, ill will, wishing ill on others) exists (premise)

  3. Malevolently harming of others is villainy (premise)

  4. Therefore, villainy exists (conclusion)


  1. A person can recognize heroism (premise)

  2. A person can recognize villainy (premise)

  3. A person can recognize the distinction between heroism and villainy (premise)

  4. A person's recognition of the distinction between heroism and villainy and choosing to be heroic (or even try to) is that person's morality (premise)

  5. Therefore, morality (personal morality) exists (conclusion)


  1. A person can recognize heroism (premise)

  2. A person can recognize villainy (premise)

  3. A person can recognize the distinction between heroism and villainy (premise)

  4. A person's recognition of the distinction between heroism and villainy and choosing to be villainous (or even try to) is that person's immorality (premise)

  5. Therefore, immorality (personal immorality) exists (conclusion)


  1. Even if no people exist in the past or present, people will exist in the future (premise)

  2. Even if no people exist in the past or present, people will be able to harm eachother in the future (premise)

  3. Even if no people exist in the past or present, benevolence and malevolence will exist in the future (premise)

  4. Therefore, even if no people existed in the past or present, heroism and villainy will exist in the future (conclusion)


  1. Even if no people exist in the past or present, heroism and villainy will exist in the future (premise)

  2. Even if no people exist in the past or present, people will be able to recognize the distinction between heroism and villainy and choose to be one or the other (or even try to) (premise)

  3. Therefore, even if no people exist in the past or present, personal morality and personal immorality will exist in the future (conclusion)


  1. A person's recognition of the distinction between heroism and villainy and choosing to be heroic (or even try to) is that person's morality (personal morality) (premise)

  2. Even if no people exist in the past or present, heroism and villainy will exist in the future (premise)

  3. Even if no people exist in the present, there is nothing different about the present that would prevent them from being heroic or being villainous as they will in the future (premise)

  4. Even if no people exist in the present, there is nothing different about the present that would prevent their recognition of the distinction between heroism and villainy and choosing to be heroic (or even try to) (premise)

  5. Therefore, morality (abstract morality) exists in all past, present and future of this universe whether people (and their personal morality) exist or not (conclusion)


  1. An abstract thing is not bound in time or to conditions* (premise)

  2. People can exist at some point in time (premise)

  3. Heroism and villainy can exist because people can exist (premise)

  4. Personal morality can exist because heroism and villany can exist (premise)

  5. Abstract morality exists because personal morality can exist (premise)

  6. Therefore, abstract morality exists across all time (and arguably even beyond) (conclusion)