Talosian_cagecleaner t1_j2u759m wrote
Hey why not!
Schopenhauer said the most terrible noise is that of the whip, the horse whip. It speaks of the utter carelessness of human beings, and of how bleak we never cease to be.
I could make the counterargument, human beings deeply need symbiotic contact of some sort with other species, but horse labor and horse transport was replaced by machines. Net result: potentially quite a serious loss all around, if my premise is correct.
Pessimism relies on you agreeing to limiting your outlook just so. But why would one do that? Is there any self-evidence for pessimism? I think it's histrionic. A previous post was about absurdist writers. Kinda same deal. History moves forward, and the passions some thoughts require of us, sometimes just don't work the same way. Thrill is gone, thrill is gone.
Anything that wants to keep a flame alive makes me also suspect, something needs burned down. Why pessimism? Don't tell me about stuff like horse whips. That's rhetoric, not theory.
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