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redditaccount003 t1_j2bm6y3 wrote

Precolonial societies weren’t exactly peaceful, though. They had ethnic conflicts, wars, and massacres just like everyone else. There were even empires like the Aztecs.


SabotageGoodActually t1_j2bn8z5 wrote

That’s missing the point. I wasn’t just speaking on pre-colonial peoples, but on all human beings. The point is not that pre-colonial peoples lived in some kind of utopia where there was no conflict. The point is that two different groups of close knit communities are, in reality, just as likely to help each other than to engage in conflict. This negative idea of “tribalism” is just another way of phrasing the “human nature” argument which is literally just capitalist colonialist propaganda.


VitriolicViolet t1_j2fposa wrote

this, cant have people realise its a lack of being willing to share thats the problem, its different people!

the promotion of hyper-individualism is the entire problem here, that only you matter and the rest are just in your lifes way as obstacles to overcome or use.

the fact that you are heavily encouraged to screw over pretty much anyone in your path and minimize any and all social and financial obligations coupled with media worship of the people that do is destroying us.