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panonius t1_j1lfzqp wrote

Ok, I'll bite. Explain how polyamory will optimize reproductive success for all involved in the relationship compared to an exclusive pairing. Please do gloss over the problem of inheritance.


Zanderax t1_j1lggw2 wrote

You've made the incorrect assumption that the only measure of success for a relationship is reproduction. Relationships can be sucessful without children, I'm in multiple sucessful relationships, I have no children, and I'm sterile.


panonius t1_j1li3q2 wrote

Yeah, you could argue that a successful career need not involve money. However telling people they were wrong to assume that money is the expected reward sounds either dishonest or entitled.


Zanderax t1_j1lipcu wrote

Thats doubly wrong and a terrible example that further proves my point. Assuming money is what defines a sucessful career is also a really bad assumption. It actually might be a worse assumption than assuming a sucessful relationship is one where you have kids.

A sucessful career is one that is fulfilling, challenging, worthwhile, and makes a difference. Sure money is involved and its a primary motivation for some but its hardly the first thing people think of when they think about a sucessful career


panonius t1_j1lkz9f wrote

Mhm, and all that talk about being paid a livable wage is just people focusing on the wrong things in life right?


Zanderax t1_j1ll3w5 wrote

Notice how its a "living wage", i.e. a wage on which people can live while working and pursuing their career. The living wage is the bare minimum a job needs to pay to ensure the person doing it can continue living, its not a measure of success.

You're really bad at making arguments.


panonius t1_j1lm2y9 wrote

Nah, you are just arguing in bad faith. What you are defining is defined as subsistence wage. Living wage is defined as a minimum to live a basic but decent life. Also saying that money is not a measure of success anywhere in the western world is 100% bad faith.


Zanderax t1_j1lmgml wrote

Im not arguing in bad faith at all. Im pointing out the flaws in your arguments and you dont like it.

Reproduction is not the only measure of a sucessful relationship and for many its not a measure at all. Polyamorus relationships can be sucessful, some with children, some without children. As I said I personally have multiple sucessful relationships without children and I will never have children.

Additionally for same sex relationships naturally born children isn't possible and so clearly can't be the only measure of success.


[deleted] t1_j1lq4io wrote



[deleted] t1_j1lq97j wrote



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