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JustAPerspective t1_j1f9ndk wrote

That seems an absurd observation in a Philosophy thread.

You lost?


Benjowenjo t1_j1g3gsf wrote

I’m all for overthinking theories of justice, ethics, and cognition but there’s something absurd about overthinking Christmas gifts where I draw the line I guess.

Sure, the sensitive tribal political message angle is perfect for philosophy/anthropology nerds but allow me play the gadfly and acknowledge if you have lost all ability to accept a gift graciously, perhaps you are the one who have lost their way in this subreddit.


JustAPerspective t1_j1gks3m wrote

>...where I draw the line I guess.

So, the line is the limit of your interest in the subject, right?


Benjowenjo t1_j1h0z62 wrote

Not quite. Philosophy way back when helped one find the path to “the good life” whatever that may be.

I draw my philosophical line when that line cripples me from enjoying the small pleasures of day to day life, after all, what is the point of philosophizing if it paralyzes you!

Good philosophy is a curative not a poison to the people and surroundings you find yourself in, including during the gift-giving season as difficult to navigate as it be.

Edit: OP enjoy your gift of Reddit gold Mwuahahaha


JustAPerspective t1_j1iylq8 wrote

To speak plainly, your lines are drawn by you, for your purposes.

They are in no way the limits of other people's interests or choices.

Might ponder that.