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iiioiia t1_j19wksg wrote

> The opinion of an expert on a topic outside [their field] [is] [a layman's opinion], since they're not an expert in that field.

layman: a person without professional [or] specialized [knowledge] in a particular subject

Some people have competence in more than one field.


hacksaw001 t1_j1bfrtl wrote

Yeah, you can be an expert in more than one field, for sure!


iiioiia t1_j1ivuip wrote

Demonstrating how easily casual language can be misinformative - "Being an expert means you're a regular person who has advanced knowledge on a specific topic" could easily be (and very often is) interpreted to mean that if someone isn't ~formally identified as "an expert" then their opinion on a subject is necessarily inferior to that of an [declared to be] expert.