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iiioiia t1_j0vnbaz wrote

> Generally The Simpsons tends to be a reflection of the current society.

"tends", "a reflection of", "the".

The nice thing about ambiguity is it is impossible to be incorrect, if used skilfully (which seems to come naturally to humans).

> I think it shows that Republicans have been evil for well over a quarter century.

It very well may, but there is an important difference between representing something in a cartoon vs it actually existing in reality (notice how many characters in cartoons can fly, do superhuman feats, etc).

> The Republican goal is to make sure rich people get richer and poor people stay poor.

Wrong - it is the Democrat goal. This is true by virtue of me saying it is true. Also: I saw it in a meme.

> You can see it in the few times they actually try to submit a bill to Congress. They are Patriots in the same way that they are pro-life, only when it supports their end goals.

You can also see that Democrats like abusing children in their bill submissions - though, I'd be careful forming a strong belief based purely on what one "sees".

Science has studied this phenomenon extensively, I highly recommend digging into the literature.

> But the reality...

Ah yes...."the" "reality". There can be only one.


LongjumpingArgument5 t1_j0vxcr6 wrote

>I'd be careful forming a strong belief based purely on what one "sees".

I suppose I could form strong beliefs like Republicans do, based on what Fox News says. I mean why trust my eyes when I could just trust talking heads. Remember, critical thinking is a tool of the left, you should skip it unless you want to be woke. There is no room for thought on the right.

Facts slide off Republicans like Teflon.

"Omg that's a cartoon, there is no possible way that cartoons can contain truth, I should just reject it outright, especially because it doesn't conform to my twisted perspective of the world". - you presumably


iiioiia t1_j0vy9bo wrote

> I suppose I could form strong beliefs like Republicans do, based on what Fox News says.

> I mean why trust my eyes when I could just trust talking heads.

Trusting either may not be wise.

> Remember, critical thinking is a tool of the left, you should skip it unless you want to be woke.

Is this to say that all people on the left are good at critical thinking, or even a majority of them are?

> There is no room for thought on the right.

What does this even mean?

> Facts slide off Republicans like Teflon.

Perhaps you should give the rules on the sidebar a read.

> "Omg that's a cartoon, there is no possible way that cartoons can contain truth, I should just reject it outright, especially because it doesn't conform to my twisted perspective of the world". - you presumably

Well, you are incorrect once again.

I'm genuinely curious: why do you do this? Granted, it's surely plenty of fun, but still. It seems to me to be contrary both to your implied desires as well as your literal words.