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grateful-biped t1_iymcv72 wrote

One of the most misunderstood concepts is that logic or reasoning can solve all problems. Logic is a tool. It’s our most powerful tool but it doesn’t work in all scenarios, especially ethical dilemmas.

We are human & by definition we behave irrationally. This is just one of the areas where logic is misleading. Game Theory often fails to predict human actions due to this human, all too human, characteristic.


Georgie_Leech t1_iymj5ne wrote

Worth noting that Game Theory is more about optimal actions/scenarios than being a predictive model for any given action.


grateful-biped t1_iyoe71x wrote

You’re right but Game Theory didn’t have modest ambitions 40-60 years ago. It was going to guide our national foreign policy & change the world. It’s only been in the past 20+ years that it’s adherents admitted Game Theory had a small place in predicting behaviors by individuals & foreign governments.

“Optimal conditions” exist in the laboratory, not in reality. At best Game Theory provides us with options & approximate probabilities. Very approximate


Georgie_Leech t1_iyoveb9 wrote

Your phrasing seems to be implying that Game Theory is a school of thought, as oppose to a branch of mathematics (one has adherents, the other doesn't). You also seem to be assuming a very limited frame of reference ("our national policy," "foreign governments") for an international field. Might you be confusing "Game Theory as a field is not designed as a predictive model for individual actions" with "certain governments believed Game Theory was something it wasn't?"


wowie6543 t1_iypmavs wrote

but its not the problem of the logic/rationalism, its the problem of the missing goal! the missing nature of things, such as humankind.

so the game theory is misleading because not all possible golas are included. so the logic must fail, becasue we miss a goal to attend.

So, yes and no, you cant work it out without logic, but the logic itself is not everything you need, you need also a reason where you can use your logic. many forget about the actual (and possible) goals that are relevant for the analytic/statistic.