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RabidMortal t1_iydb3e2 wrote

>taking a hard deterministic POV or a hard free-will-focused POV

Is there someplace that I can learn more about what this means? It sounds very interesting.


Fekov t1_iyf4qi7 wrote

Hard Determinism. Every choice you have made, are making, will ever make was pre-determined the instant the universe came into existence. Your entire life is following a pre-set path. Every seeming choice made simply part of the following of that path. You have no free will, it is an illusion. You are not responsible for your actions because you never had any ability to change them. They were predetermined before you even came into existence to take them.

Heady stuff. Based on the logic of cause and effect. Cause has to precede effect. The universe is deterministic, all effects within it had previous cause. We are part of that universe.

Hard Free Will, usually called Libertarian Free Will. None of your choices are pre-determined. Either the universe is not deterministic and or our own choices are not governed by the same laws as the rest of the universe. There are in fact multiple paths you can follow. You are free to choose which path, you are responsible for the path taken.


smurficus103 t1_iyde18t wrote

I heard a bit of metaphysics, myself: if reality is a simulation or physics determines everything ahead of time, you're just walking through the motions and nothing is of consequence. However, if there is some sort of randomness generated in your brain, you can change and move the world with your actions, giving quite a bit more meaning to what you do and say.

Intuitively, if you didn't drive that truck full of food, people would go hungry. But, if you're brain is a computer that somebody programmed, you can know that and still feel like a robot doing the "right" thing, the best you can, according to programming