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BowelMan t1_iycfrq2 wrote

Right now I have none of these three. I feel horrible.


Cracks_InTheWalls t1_iycp4qp wrote

Question: Is there something novel you can do today? Doesn't really matter what it is, so long as it's not something you do routinely and it isn't harmful (unlike our philosophical crack smokin' friend in this thread, lol). Doesn't have to be earth shattering, just something a little different than usual.

For example, I don't know the culture of the place you're from (Poland, I believe? Could be wrong), but Christmas is coming up. You could walk into a store you usually don't visit, looking for something a family member might like, or something someone can get you that you may not have thought of before. Even better, find something there that you don't know the function of and ask a clerk what it's for. Observe your thoughts and feelings walking in there, while being in there, and note any thoughts or questions you have after leaving. You may find something to dig into afterwards, either extrinsic or intrinsic.

This is just one example - there are many other ones that'd likely be better, but this one's comparatively easy since (in North American culture, at least) it's tied into stuff you 'have' to do anyway (cultural pressure's a bitch sometimes, I hate buying shit for Christmas as a rule).

Somewhat unrelated aside: Do you read fiction? One book I like for thinking about novelty (and its excesses) is "The Dice Man" by Luke Rhinehart. Fair warning - it's very much a product of a different time. But it's an interesting exploration of a thought experiment - what if you forced yourself into novel situations by suspending your default judgements and pursuing particular actions based on a dice roll? It's a neat thing to think about in the context of this proposed category of 'psychological richness'. Then, of course, a picture of what it could look like if taken to an extreme, which I don't recommend - makes for a fun read, but a pretty risky life.

Anyway, peanut gallery comments aside, I hope you feel better about things in the near future. Life can be pretty grim sometimes, but neat shit always has the potential to happen. Most you can do is try and support conditions for said neat shit - which admittedly is hard when feeling lowly. Hang in there buddy, much love from Canada.