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Super-Ocean t1_iuucr4u wrote

That isn’t really what I’m saying. Shared experience isn’t an equation, but is does tend to be pretty central to social groups. And social groups tend to bond and form mutually beneficial relationships. If we were all able to share in each other’s experiences then It isn’t a stretch to think it would make each of our individual lives more relatable to each other.

The author uses the example of a person’s racism being diminished by learning/downloading Kung Fu. It isn’t a perfect example, but it does illustrate how someone’s bias could be altered through learning a new skill. And if that process of learning were as accessible as the internet and as immediate as a download then it seems that our ability to relate to each other would increase exponentially.


strawhat t1_iuvkan4 wrote

I see the point you're making and also wish I could live in that world. Greater knowledge certainly enables greater empathy. A shit person may very well remain a shit person, but it's hard to see that being the case when the "horse-blinders" of ignorance are taken off. It's also easier to see why win-win scenarios are far superior to win-lose, and how everything in life is relative when you level up your perspective and understanding of how everything is interconnected.