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MaxTheAlmighty t1_itycukw wrote

If humans were created by God and not a product of evolution, then we must have an unknown feature that makes us different from animals.


SovArya t1_ityd2rd wrote

Do you have a guess for what this unknown feature is?


MaxTheAlmighty t1_ityd75u wrote

The Spirit of God, i guess, but we really don't know what cognitive features should be considered "the soul".


SovArya t1_itydigq wrote

My guess is it would be the ability to exercise free will. It's something that not all animals exercise. Or it's the one thing that sets us apart.

And I mean this by the idea that when you think of doing something - think it thru- then not do it.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itydpm3 wrote

Are you saying that some animals have free will? You mean us?


SovArya t1_itye0hg wrote

My guess is higher mammals are capable. Like primates, dolphins, and others. Even dogs if trained.

Us especially.

We act based on the chemicals but if we stop the effect of what was caused by the chemicals, that's your will and not automatic.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_ityecf4 wrote

Like managing anxiety?


SovArya t1_ityeh0k wrote

Like being able to control your anger. Like boom emotions flood wanting you to kill someone by punching etc , but you don't do it.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_ityfne4 wrote

Now that i think about that, if people with down syndrome or other impairments were actually mindless, they would act by istinct and not by empathy and emotion.


SovArya t1_ityfqr0 wrote

If the brain has damage, then I'm not really sure. I can't really speak for those with my limited knowledge on the subject (special needs)


MaxTheAlmighty t1_ityfufk wrote

Maybe emotions (the human ones) are also part of the soul? I mean, the only emotion animals can have is fear, right?


SovArya t1_ityfzuw wrote

Emotions are the effect of the chemicals. Our will is the reaction to not act based on those emotions or consciously use the emotions to do something.

Here's an example. When tired, look up with eyes open for 15seconds, you'll be awake and alert. Consciously choose to do that when you can take advantage of how said act affects you physically.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itygd4c wrote

Then we should learn how to use emotions conscioslusly. For example: in a funeral, you obviously must cry, but when you do it, do it in a correct manner.


SovArya t1_itygmky wrote

Of course, emotional control is a part of growing up. It's a skill. Until recently I dismissed it. But now knowing it's actual our own choice; free will, it's a must now.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itymqfz wrote

Half of the comments in this post are in this discussion XD


SovArya t1_ityt72f wrote

Not wrong. I mean we're probably interested in this sort of stuff :)