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iiioiia t1_it3ysmi wrote

> Are you asking if science is capable of accurate divination or are you questioning my seeming certainty that psychology can provide accurate guidance on human behaviour?

"my seeming certainty" is a nice way to describe your assertion of fact: "While psychology is a young science that is still working out fundamental principles—it's still a science and will be able to confirm which of those behaviours actually are healthy."

Science can discover some things, but what percentage of the whole it discovers is unknown.

> If you're asking about predicting the future with accuracy—science is more into predicting the future with probabilities rather than with accuracy.

Scientific Materialist's claims about what science will or can do on the other hand....

> If you're asking how I can justifiably say psychology will be able to provide accurate guidance of human behaviour, it already does to a limited extent.

> We're only now gaining the tools we need in order to see what the problems actually are and the field faces a lot of stigma from religions and from it's youth and immaturity (including not a small amount of sheer lunacy),

Is your consideration comprehensive?

Are you describing religion as it is, or might you be describing your (subconscious) model of religion? What says science/medicine on the matter?

> but give it time

I will grant science as much leeway and consideration s as its disciples grant religion.

> You'll probably find it interesting that it seems to be confirming collectivist views more than individualist ones.

Religion has done that for far longer than science...granted, they don't walk the talk well, but give it time.

> I think it's far more likely that psychology will simply confirm which aspects of religions and philosophies line up with actual human behaviour rather than invent new ones.

"Confirm" is an interesting word. Nice and ambiguous.

> A lot of people have been thinking on these things for a lot of time and we've got lots of good answers—science can eventually tell which ones don't work in practice.

Science can assert which ones don't work in practice, but whether their assertions are accurate is another matter.