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Krogsly t1_isorul6 wrote

I identify with this idea very much. I was very much burned out in my career and quit in 2021. My time since has been a struggle between both of my 'drives' as I attempt to determine who I am, why I am, and why I feel as if I need to be constantly busy. Rediscovering the lost ability to fully commit to losing myself in a career is proving impossible so far, yet I still yearn for productivity.


i4get98 t1_isotiuw wrote

I'm half-jokingly recommending smoking some weed and watching Rick and Morty.

Don't be so hard on yourself.


panic_bread t1_isp5esn wrote

I find Rick and Morty terrifying.


LookingForVheissu t1_ispn574 wrote

I can’t seem to identify what the difference is, but I have two camps of friends, those who love it and those who hate it. I know there’s a difference between their senses of humor, but I absolutely can’t identify specifically what it is.


[deleted] t1_isqso02 wrote

When I first watched it, I disliked it a lot. At the time I was very religious (let's just keep it generic in saying that) and R&M say offensive stuff. It was hard to enjoy and be religious at the same time.

But that was years ago. I'm not that way now, and I honestly see the futility in many aspects of existence. I no longer place much value on any individual's "life plan/purpose" as I see no indicator we're designed. So it's not nihilism mind you, but I focus on the absurdity of it all. As in, life is pretty dumb and unpleasant to experience at the basic level. Yeah "you" can "enjoy" it insofar as you have a body you call your own and have senses that like certain things....but ultimately, it's very much nothing of anything.

I think Rick & Morty touches on those kind of topics frequently, in a dark humor, gross out way. Yeah, it's not the best show ever and isn't perfect in delivery of messages each time, but it's a thinking person's show I would say.

So, if I had to take a guess about your camps of friends, the ones who dislike it very much enjoy their life, sense-of-self and may even be quite religious (though not necessarily).


humulus_impulus t1_ispu62m wrote

Rick & Morty serves me up a hearty helping of my own inability to comprehend most things. Shit is humbling.


ValyrianJedi t1_ist04tw wrote

I'm perpetually painfully busy. Like ~70 hours a week in the office, 100 nights a year in hotels, consulting gig on the side, and a good many other responsibilities... Used to pretty much need to eat TUMS like candy because of the stress... Then, covid hit, dinner and drinks with clients wasn't a thing anymore, and suddenly those 100 nights a year in hotels started being filled with getting high and ordering room service on the company card while watching Family Guy and South Park, one of which is pretty much always on. I sweat that legitimately took the stress down from like a 9.5 to a 5, even on days where I'm not doing it... Sucks, it's still illegal in my home state. Legal in almost all my clients' states though, so I can only smoke when I'm not in the safety of my own home, doing something work related no less. Once/if it becomes legal here I can probably get that 5 down to like a 2.


PurplePonk t1_isp8age wrote

> attempt to determine who I am, why I am

self is such an interesting concept. There's self as in body, there's social self as in how you relate to others, there's emotional self as in how you feel, there's ego as in the part of your brain that gets all defensive and loves comparing, there's what budhists call true self as in nothing really at all,


Krogsly t1_ispbwpo wrote

This feels like it would be a good exercise to take time daily and recognize the separate "selves", how they represented throughout the day, and the feelings they cause.


MooFu t1_isqjbkw wrote

I am Jack's dopamine receptors.


thehappyheathen t1_isplyml wrote

Do something pointless. Grab a sketchpad and a pack of pencils and draw. You can also do free writing, just start writing. If you feel the need to do something, do something.

I got a book on active imagination by Jung years ago, and I think there is merit to creating things for the sake of creation. It can be a reflective practice to figure out what unvoiced things are rattling around in your head, and it can loosen up the mind by occupying the hands.


Shelby_the_shell t1_issfxiy wrote

We are social creatures after all. I think everyone wants to feel they have a purpose and are doing something valuable but in our culture we try to strive for productivity instead which can sometimes work but not always. I don't think you wanting to be productive is a bad thing but a misplaced feeling or urge.