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ValyrianJedi t1_irndod0 wrote

And I have answered the question repeatedly. What they provide is money. If you don't see how that warrants equity then you don't understand what equity is... Labor has nothing to do with it. They aren't providing labor, they are providing capital. They have equity because they bought the equity...

What you are saying is equivalent to "why does the guy who paid to have a house built for his family have all the equity in the house? He didn't do any labor to build it. It should be the construction workers' house."


Vast-Material4857 t1_irnfq7s wrote

So it's just permission. That's it. That's what you believe is equal to ~90% of the work?

>don't understand what equity is... Labor has nothing to do with it.

Equity is value. Who has it? The value of an enterprise is it's productivity. How can you say labor has nothing to do with equity if they're the ones that are creating the productivity that makes it all valuable in the first place? Even the management is labor. That makes no sense.

>What you are saying is equivalent to "why does the guy who paid to have a house built for his family have all the equity in the house? He didn't do any labor to build it. It should be the construction workers' house."

No, it should belong to public which the construction workers would be part of. That's what it means to have public ownership. That's called socialism. It builds houses and creates science.


ValyrianJedi t1_irnglxz wrote

Jesus Christ... No. It isn't. I can't tell if you are being purposefully dense or are genuinely incapable of following, but it's pretty clear that you just plain aren't going to understand at this point, so this is where I stop responding.


Vast-Material4857 t1_irnhfwa wrote

What are you specifically contradicting? My use of the word equity? Me saying labor provides all the value? If it's that one, can you show me how it doesn't and what the owners do that that therefore deserves 90%? You keep ignoring that question.


Vast-Material4857 t1_irnhri2 wrote

Equity is the value you have of something, the share of it. Am I wrong on that? I don't think so.


Vast-Material4857 t1_irniexn wrote

Also, never got an answer as to why Keynes was wrong about that 15 hr work week. Seems like a glaring hole in your "just study economics" argument when you can't be bothered to even recognize the contradictions by those same economists.

A lot of unanswered questions.