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mortgagepants t1_j3xxz9m wrote

100%. i don't want somebody i didn't vote for to tell me i'm not allowed to have the person i did vote for.

the birthplace of american democracy has its pocket picked and its people ignored in favor of the whims of traitors sitting in a golden dome in a backwater city.


SweetJibbaJams OP t1_j3xy3vh wrote


>The trial had been scheduled to begin Jan. 18 after the Republican-led House voted largely along party lines last fall to impeach Krasner, a Democrat, for what they called his dereliction of duty.

>But following a Commonwealth Court decision last month to dismiss the articles of impeachment as legally insufficient, the future of the trial — and the timeline for when, or even if, it resumes — remains uncertain.

>The postponement, which the Senate unanimously approved, comes after the Commonwealth Court issued an order dismissing the seven articles of impeachment against Krasner on Dec. 30, saying none met the required legal standard of “misbehavior in office.”


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3xzurn wrote

I think they kind of do, isn't that how state politics works? Lol the state house oversees and is in charge of all the counties, as each county must follow the laws passed at the state level.

That's like saying regardless of what you thought of Trump, congress members should have no business in impeaching him because they aren't apart of the executive the people voted for lol

Edit: I can tell many here have no clue how state politics actually work if they think your state capitol is not Supreme and over you county's local powers lol


MongolianCluster t1_j3y0uxy wrote

So the calls of "bullshit!" disguised as sneezes may have been correct.


obi-jawn-kenobi t1_j3y1fh0 wrote

No, that fucking isn't it at all. If that were the case, why would we have to follow laws about hunting in state parks or how to establish elections judges. State park operation is executive branch and judges are judicial.

Its fucking federalism. Federal level, state level, local level.

Camp Hill, Bird In Hand, Somerset, Erie and Stroudsburg State level officials have no authority in Local level politics.


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3y27v0 wrote

Ok, someone's angry.

The state assembly is the head of the state, and all counties. While counties have powers themselves, they are ultimately lower in the chain than the state assembly. Therefore, when a PA law is passed, your ass has to follow it in Philly, even if Philadelphia county did not pass an ordinance regarding it.

The state level is the top of the local level food chain. Federalism is the understanding that state powers and federal powers are different. But still, even federal law trumps state law, so there's areas where even federal power eeks into the state level.

However, the state assembly is the top boss for all the counties. There's no such challenge out there akin to federalism of state vs local, the state level is the local level, it's just the highest power in the state.


obi-jawn-kenobi t1_j3y5vre wrote

Ok wise guy, what law is the Krasner impeachment even about?

Oh wait, it's just about the administration of a city government and the State Senate even unanimously agrees.

Fuck outta here and fall for more sorry-ass politicking PR Wars. This isn't about Krasner breaking state law or someone breaking federal law but not the state.


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3y6ama wrote

Lol I'm sorry I understand how the political process in a state works.

The state assembly could pass a law that says Philadelphia's DA is picked via state wide vote, and guess what? It would then become a state wide vote because they have the ultimate authority on state law.

Just like if congress passes a law, it applies to everyone even if you state never passed it. It's why the feds can still bust you with weed even when your own state says it's legal.

Sorry you don't like how state powers work in America. I have no problem saying the republican led state house was doing this for it's own personal reasons, but that doesn't change they have the constitutional right and power to do so lol

You literally think a county trumps state power, idk how you think states work if that's the case bro lol


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3y7aw6 wrote

Ok, but this has literally 0 to do with what I responded to .

What I responded to was the false and incorrect notion that the state assembly has no right or say in what a county does, which is clearly wrong. That is all I was pointing out.

Where did I say what the assembly was doing was right or the best thing? I was simply saying it is a thing they are entitled to do as they have that power.

The assembly has the power to impeach krasner, is simply my point, and I'm being down voted to hell becuase our school system never taught people how state power actually works lol

Again, it's factually wrong to assert: the state assembly has no business interfering with county politcs. No, thats wrong as fuck, the county's powers literally could be taken away in a heart beat by the assembly becuaae the surpreme law of PA, the PA constitution, grants them supremacy and power over the county.

Sorry for trying to explain how state politics work, but I'll take the downvotes so people can remain ignorant on how our state operates.


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3y8eg2 wrote

And the PA constitution says the PA assembly has ALLL the business doing that because they have the power to do so. It's factually wrong.

By using the word disenfranchised it's implied the PA state is violating the people of Philadelphia. No, it's not doing that, it's invoking the will of Pennsylvanians via the state constitution.

Again, imagine saying impeaching trump disenfranchised voters lol

Lol yes down vote me for explaining how state constitutions work. Let's continue to be ignorant on those things becuaae we hate Republicans, good grief.


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3y9i0l wrote

No, impeachment is literally a political tool. Why the hell do you think its requirements are so broad and not well defined?

Again, balance of powers lesson incoming, congress /assembly can impeach someone for anything, as the purpose of impeachment was for the voters to Have a check on a run away executive. If congress/assembly improperly impeaches someone's, the public can easily vote him back in and then vote the congress/assembly out.

This is all basic social studies stuff.


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3ya5tx wrote

If the assembly is using a power granted to it, which comes from the PA constitution, which ultimately comes from every PA citizen, how the fuck is it stealing your rights if you gave it the power to do what it is doing?

You really should read on how politics actually works on our system if you're interested in understanding the political process lol


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3yae4o wrote

Lol it's like arguing with a brick wall.

I'm explaining that the congress had the power to impeach Nixon because every US citizen gives it that power via the constitution. That's why it wasn't "disenfranchisment".

Similarly, the assembly has the right to impeach any county official because every PA resident gives the assembly the power to do so via the PA constitution.

Please read about political powers and learn where our rights come from.


DonovanMcLoughlin t1_j3yamht wrote

I think Larry Krasner is completely incompetent and horrible for his position. That being said, this impeachment is a waste of time and money and it's completely embarrassing that anyone has to take this shit serious.


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3yc1kr wrote

An impeachable offense is literally any offense the assembly determines, which is what you don't understand.

Impeachment is a POLITCAL TOOL. Therefore, if everyone in PA asked the assembly to impeach a county official because he's a cowgirls fan, that's literally allowed lol

Again, you don't understand politcs nor where powers come from. They come from the people, and the people determine what is impeachable, by voting for assemblyman/women that agree on what is impeachable.

It's why in PA constitution all is needed to be impeached is "misbehaving" which the assembly, via the voters, can determine drinking coke instead of Pepsi is impeachable. It's why all impeachment does is remove you from office not send you to jail, it's PURELY POLITCAL, and any action can be found to be politcal in nature for voters to say yea impeach him.

Whatever have a good day, it's clear you have no interest in understanding state law or how politcal powers operate in our liberal democracy lol


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j3yednv wrote

Lol I'm a barred attorney, don't worry, I think I understand how constitutional law works.

You think an assembly using power given to it by voters is disenfranchising voters.

I can tell you're probably not even from this city, probably some yuppie transplants or out in the burbs. Krasner making the city more dangerous than when I was running on the streets in the 90s is like the defitnion of "misbehaving" but hey just a few more dead minorities probably doesnt bother you lol

Have a good one man, keep fighting the good fight of being righteously indignant.


Leviathant t1_j3yvocb wrote

Republicans don't actually understand what the word impeachment means. I'd call this the dog catching the rabbit it's always chasing, but it's more like the dog getting stuck in the fence.


Dorigan23 t1_j3z1n8c wrote

You telling me this nonsense theatre from the people in our legislation that do nothing resulted in nothing? thats wild


NoWarButMyWar t1_j3zqfpd wrote

Counties especially large urban centers can ignore state laws or simply choose not to enforce. We decriminalized cannabis for instance. TF the state gonna do put state troopers on our streets? The state constitution also grants a lot of leeway to counties in many areas. That’s how progress gets made.


IvanStarokapustin t1_j41urri wrote

The senate doesn’t care, they got their performative impeachment and can go campaign on that to the rubes in their districts.


GreenAnder t1_j48d63f wrote

Harrisburg is just perpetually angry that the real capital of PA is Philadelphia.