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Brraaap t1_j5te7j3 wrote

I thought we didn't get any snow until March a couple years ago


justanawkwardguy t1_j5uicce wrote

I think we technically got a light dusting early in the season that year, like just barely enough to count as a snow


Brraaap t1_j5uihcz wrote

Yeah, I did some searching and it looks like that's the case


rosemaryonaporch t1_j5x98ly wrote

I specifically remember us teachers complaining in March 2020 about not having any snow days yet. All we wanted was a day off. Darkly funny in retrospect.


MoonSpankRaw t1_j5u9phy wrote

I remember that, 4 or 5 yrs ago I believe.

Mannn time flies.