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Vexithan t1_j603msu wrote

I enjoy the irony of the “you are powerful” sign in their window.


LFKhael t1_j6054yy wrote

> When One Shot did not pay the full amount and did not respond to the city’s demands for payment, the city placed the cafe on its “Bad Actors” list, which it uses to try to publicly shame employers who refuse to comply with the law.

> “I could have kept going because I had otherwise evidence and records but I’m a single parent and very busy business owner and needed to move on after 1.5 years,” Baruno wrote

Hel-loooo "I am god's gift to humanity" small business owner ego.


--jawnday-- t1_j607s3n wrote

I know many people who have worked here and no one had a single good thing to say about their experience, so I’m absolutely not surprised.


sugr_magnolia t1_j60hbxw wrote

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3a8rvuaPZ9t t1_j60vz0e wrote

“I had 4-5 really disgruntled employees in a year”

Ya that’s a lot of disgruntled employees for a small coffeeshop.

Reminds me of “If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”


pghsonj1325 t1_j619yrn wrote

Unless he was literally beating people “extremely abusive” seems a little aggressive.

He might be a huge asshole or just a dick in general or shit even a criminal based on the above - But let’s not throw around “abusive” so willy nilly


uptown_gargoyle t1_j61jlsv wrote

I guess. It just seems odd to me to call one crime "more criminal" than another. Crimes certainly have degrees of seriousness; different crimes carry different punishments and all.

To my mind, something is a crime or it isn't. It isn't any more or less criminal for a shop owner to steal from a worker than it is for a worker to steal from a shop owner. The punishments for these two crimes generally differ, and there are ethical differences between them I think. But they're both crimes.

Can all crimes be ranked from most to least in terms of how criminal they are? Not in terms of the severity of their respective punishments, but on the criminality of the crimes themselves?


benjaminpoole t1_j61mfm9 wrote

Me too! One time I almost interviewed for a job there myself until a friend in the coffee industry warned me. I’ve heard nothing but horror stories and honestly I’m surprised they’ve been in business for so long!


afdc92 t1_j61qoq1 wrote

I’m really disappointed to hear this, I really liked the food and coffee I got there. Certainly won’t be going back there, the workers deserve so much better.


ebbycalvinlaloosh t1_j61s9w2 wrote

They are blocking people on IG who are posting about it. Pussies.


SBRH33 t1_j61zcrr wrote

Maybe its the next Mina's World cafe.


Badkevin t1_j627m5i wrote

Well that’s very disappointing to see in my neighborhood. One of our only nice coffee shops around here, I hope they get the stuff sorted out.


Triplsticks t1_j6291jk wrote

“I love my staff and count on them to help me run my shop"

"I have nothing to do with it"


trifflinmonk t1_j62962k wrote

the meaning of words changes over time. I used to get hung up on this when people would say 'indisposed' all willy nilly but if enough people use a word in a way, that becomes the meaning of the word. Indispuesta in Spanish is often used when woman is on her period rather than literally meaning indisposed. Literally no longer has to mean literally. Words change as people see fit.


Do_it_with_care t1_j62i1tx wrote

I will never go back in there again. I will tell my friends also.


T_J_S_ t1_j639kqy wrote

Stealing money workers is just being a dick? When was the last time your employer stole money from you and you had to choose which bills got paid and which ones had to wait?


dammit_dammit t1_j63bbm8 wrote

Not only that, but employers try to push the idea that if you are less than 100% productive while on the job, you're committing "time theft" while also doing things to their employees like stealing tips and not providing required overtime pay.


missdeweydell t1_j63c9ij wrote

I used to be in there every day in 2016-2017. witnessed lots of staff turnover in that time and a few remarks about this lady from the baristas I got friendly with. tbh I'm surprised they're still in business with the word on the street but it's in a good location so I'm sure she makes bank.


barnabyisringhausen t1_j63enjk wrote

Pro tip for would-be One Shot customers: CNT Cafe is nearby and very excellent.


cielorossa t1_j63nfyf wrote

I have family members that work at Starbucks, CVS and Target and their pay starts at $15/hr.

A yearly salary on $15/hr is about $31,200 - without benefits. That is not enough to allow people to live independently. It's not about pitting one profession against another. Everyone deserves a fair wage and fair working conditions.


justanawkwardguy t1_j6441p6 wrote

You clearly don't know what people make... Garbage men get paid well for a number of reasons. 1) it's a government job 2) people typically don't want to do it, so they incentivize with higher pay 3) there's a pay increase due to the danger related to the job. These are the top 3 reasons, but the list goes on


RufusLaButte t1_j64kcs3 wrote

Like how "begging the question" has evolved past its actual intended usage and has come to mean "raising the question." Which, you know, is natural evolution of language but I also kind of hate it because "begging the question" is specific rhetorical device that can be used pretty deceptively, and I think we still need a name that matches what is actually happening, because the original meaning of the phrase is still very much relevant.


mortgagepants t1_j65gvt3 wrote

lol so the hospitality sector, which was closed for 2 years, has had the highest wage gains.

are you surprised by that? what about gas prices? do you remember when a barrel of oil was less than zero dollars? what happened there?

i'm sure you could give me a full economic breakdown, but like your namesake, you'd "prefer not to".