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DwayneWadeWilson t1_j6l3fzm wrote

More importantly, I'm putting in my PTO for the 16th


GemLong28 t1_j6lcb0r wrote

Parade?? What is the 16th? Pls excuse my ignorance!


mybrosteve t1_j6mi9e1 wrote

Parade. In 2018 the parade was the Thursday after the Super Bowl.


Stormcrow1776 t1_j6mmnue wrote

Due to rain. Should be Wednesday this year


DwayneWadeWilson t1_j6mxhcf wrote

Ahh. I gotta fly in since I moved away from the city so I need to know ASAP lol


conorb619 t1_j6obgli wrote

It’s potentially the 16th, maybe the rain you’re referring to is the rain predicted the 9th? L


dlxnj t1_j6obw6w wrote

The 15th*** 2018 parade was originally planned for the Wednesday after the Super Bowl and then was delayed due to rain to Thursday.


OPsDaddy t1_j6mqf49 wrote

I’ll just call in sick from the top of a traffic pole.


wiredbeatbox t1_j6mrch5 wrote

I'm on a small team of about 7 and a few of us are in Philly, while our PM is a cowboys fan (from and lives in Dallas). He likes to plan ahead and polls us for any upcoming PTO for the next quarter, so early December he's asking for that and I mention the possibility of needing the Monday after SB off, as well as the Wednesday or Thursday that follows, depending on weather, in case the Birds win it all. He said to me, "I've never had to plan around winning the Superbowl before", with a little shimmer of a tear in his eye. I almost felt bad for him for a second there. GO BIRDS!


ThanosSnapsSlimJims t1_j6lv2cn wrote

I feel lucky. I work from home, so I don't have to burn any pto.


e_chi67 t1_j6no3y4 wrote

You are lucky! I also work from home, and could not get away with not working for an extended period of time w.o using PTO.


classicrockchick t1_j6mt4zm wrote

I really don't understand why the day after the Superbowl isn't a holiday. Either that or move the Superbowl to Saturday.


tevorn420 t1_j6n1dm8 wrote

then the day after halloween should be a holiday. and the day after st patricks day


classicrockchick t1_j6n2n52 wrote

I mean, I went to Catholic school so the day after Halloween was always a holiday for the first 17 years of my life lmao


fumor t1_j6ost0i wrote

SIL is a Catholic teacher and says they did away with the holiday now.


jberk988 t1_j6ncduw wrote

Tbh we should have more holidays. Countries in Europe give way more time off for their citizens, Americans deserve more time off.


tevorn420 t1_j6np5gi wrote

not just europe most of the world. the united states is one of the very few places in the world where there’s no mandatory paid vacation for employees


mortgagepants t1_j6ntbdb wrote

it was so nice being home from the bar on sunday by like 8pm. superbowl kick off isn't until like 730 or something.


BlackJack5027 t1_j6mr056 wrote

I remember for the last win (and the ensuing party on Broad) feeling like I wouldn't be able to bike to work the next day. Thought it would just be broken bottles and shit everywhere. Boy was I wrong. Never seen the place so clean that morning. I'm sure somewhere on YouTube is the time lapse of the party and then the streets crew making it look like nothing happened.


ltahaney t1_j6m086i wrote

Time zones really screwing me. Game starts at midnight here. Rip.


YoungMuppet t1_j6lc61j wrote

Does SDP cancel school?


goavsgo1988 t1_j6lcqum wrote

Most definitely. Or it will be a “virtual” day (that nobody has to log on for and won’t need to be made up at the end of the year)


CinematicHeart t1_j6luyra wrote

My kids school just announced they have it off. I was surprised. I wasn't back yet for the last superbowl so this will be interesting.


lucasj t1_j6mrtk3 wrote

They did in 2017. In 2008 only schools along the parade route were canceled. The X factor is the superintendent is new this year, but IMO that makes it more likely they’d cancel (based on his public personality).


conorb619 t1_j6myvxo wrote

I only get 10 PTO days for the whole year…


allid33 t1_j6mwjuz wrote

I started getting ahead of myself and pondering what day a Phillies parade might have fallen on in early November after they went up 2-1. But here I am doing it again. Then again, every year I always mentally pencil in a hypothetical February PTO day for a hypothetical parade.

Probably WFH on the 13th (no matter the outcome) and PTO for hypo parade day.


Cahsohtoa t1_j6mnsny wrote

Just moved here this year. Live in Fishtown and commute over the Franklin every morning. Should I plan on taking the day of the parade off as well or will I be good?

Go birbs.


wiredbeatbox t1_j6mrivz wrote

The parade day is the more important day to take off since that's going to be an all day event, 100% take that day off (likely Wednesday, unless weather delays it like last time).


pgfphilly t1_j6nl1eg wrote

I don’t think the route goes that way, but it might be safer to take the Betsy Ross into NJ, for a slightly longer commute, but an almost guarantee of no parade issues/traffic.


MinorRunz t1_j6n41uy wrote

Just started as scrum master for a small SW team at the beginning of the year and we're supposed to do Sprint Planning that day... needless to say it's been moved.


pgfphilly t1_j6nkprd wrote

I might actually use PTO, so I don’t have to go into the office. I’m at 15th and Market!


porkchameleon t1_j6ni943 wrote

I put my request in early November 2022.

Birds or not, it was always a party the night before.

...and that's how you Super Ball.


TPPH_1215 t1_j6p1f1x wrote

I am starting a new job and asked to start the 14th, lol. I'm going to Cincinnati and driving back here on the 12th to avoid getting pigeonholed into watching the superbowl with my ahole BIL... Lmao


[deleted] t1_j6mfge7 wrote



Glystopher t1_j6mvwfr wrote

I feel like that is too late for any consumption of beer at all, so yes that’s late. Day off it is.


KenzoWap t1_j6lf282 wrote

Fucking jinx man


Wuz314159 t1_j6l6c14 wrote



Glystopher t1_j6l7357 wrote

The game. It’s on late for one, two , eagles win!


Wuz314159 t1_j6l76zk wrote

Oh. I don't follow hand-egg. TY.


drunkcowofdeath t1_j6lhpc8 wrote

Do you have any tips for how I can be as cool as you?


Wuz314159 t1_j6m4htp wrote

Sorry I'm not in the Cool Kids Club. Shoot me in the head why don't you?


brk1 t1_j6lniuc wrote

derp sperts ball


TunaHands t1_j6na3k8 wrote

People that feel the need to tell people who care about sports that sports are stupid are insufferable