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Raecino t1_j56af50 wrote

The good guys don’t always score unfortunately. I read a story earlier this morning of a guy who shot and killed someone trying to carjack him and he’s being charged with murder (in another state).


DuvalHeart t1_j56huqg wrote

Duty to flee is such shitty law.


libananahammock t1_j57rx8v wrote

Stealing is now a death penalty?


DuvalHeart t1_j57ulhd wrote

Nope, but there's no way to know if theft is the ultimate goal. If somebody is attacking you, you don't know how far they're willing to go. And even shoving somebody to the ground can kill them (not that this is a reasonable thing for a healthy adult to worry about). But the theft isn't the problem, the assault is.


The_Prince1513 t1_j5a7zig wrote

No but assault with a deadly weapon can be.

Would be much different story if the robber just tried to use intimidation/his fists and got stabbed.

If you use deadly force against someone to commit a crime you deserve whatever you get.


collectallfive t1_j57aevh wrote

Yeah I should be able to kill anyone that tries to take something from me. My car? Blast em. My phone? Blast em. My blood? Blast em. My number? Blast em.


DuvalHeart t1_j57bbkn wrote

If somebody is using violence against you, why should you have to try to run away before defending yourself?


collectallfive t1_j57bfki wrote

Yeah that's what I said. You should be able to kill anyone getting violent against you.


ThisHatRightHere t1_j57cfl1 wrote

Yeah but you can say it in a better way than that, man lol


collectallfive t1_j57cqw6 wrote

Haha yeah I should have couched my desire to kill people over property behind something more innocuous like "i hate duty to flee laws"


Raecino t1_j57f9la wrote

Or maybe the fact when someone is robbing you it’s very likely they could kill you. You don’t have enough time in that type of situation (a violent robbery) to try to assess whether or not they’re going to kill you or not when you can defend yourself instead.


NotUnstoned t1_j57mn98 wrote

Idk man that argument only seems to work for cops


collectallfive t1_j57fj9x wrote

Idk why people think I'm disagreeing with anyone here. I fully agree. You should be able to kill anyone trying to take something from you.

I also agree with you. You should be able to kill people based on vibes.


ThisHatRightHere t1_j57ud8n wrote

You’re fucking unhinged my man


collectallfive t1_j57uhyq wrote

Why? It's fundamentally no different from what anyone else here has said.


ThisHatRightHere t1_j583tj9 wrote

It very much is different. Everyone in here is saying yes, you should have the right to defend yourself in a life or death situation and not suffer negative consequences because of it. Everything you’ve said tells me you’re the type of person who looks for trouble so they can have the opportunity to seem like a hero. That’s some psycho shit my dude.


Raecino t1_j57hl10 wrote

It’s probably cuz tone is hard to measure online


collectallfive t1_j57kkc2 wrote

I'm mostly just restating and clarifying what's already being said by y'all. Idk why I'm getting downvotes


DuvalHeart t1_j57vmdr wrote

No, you should be able to defend yourself against someone using violence against you.

It isn't about property or killing them. It's about protecting yourself from serious harm or death. If a 90 lb. school kid shoves you, you don't get to kill them, because a reasonable person wouldn't consider that to be a serious/deadly attack.


mikebailey t1_j56twhk wrote

This is arguably an even bigger case of that because while we all agree the victim is the victim, not only did they have to flee but unless I missed something they became the one with the weapon. Knives are problematic legally because they’re much better at injuring than killing (stopping the threat)