Submitted by Elderly_Bi t3_zfh6em in philadelphia

I seem to remember Rick Williams being announced as Jim Gardner's replacement on both 6pm and 11pm broadcasts. Now it's just 11, and Brian Taft will be at six.

I seem to remember a commercial with folks congratulating him, and now not a word from 6ABC.



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Hollow_Rant t1_izc9tmt wrote

I just want to go back to the 90s when it was Monica, Rick and Dave everyday.


divacphys t1_izbue22 wrote

I think it was always just 11pm. Because he stopped doing 11 a few months ago, but Gardner is still doing 6


eaglewatch1945 t1_izc9gso wrote

Marc Howard gets the 6:00 slot and Lisa Thomas-Laury gets 11:00.


Elderly_Bi OP t1_izdx6vp wrote

Marc Howard was done once he corrected Jim during an election. You could see it in Jim's eyes when it happened.


StubbornLeech07 t1_izc6o7j wrote


Television: Rick Williams will be right fit to replace Jim Gardner on Channel 6 at 11 p.m.

6ABC taps Rick Williams to replace Jim Gardner on 11 p.m. edition of ‘Action News’

All of these are from when he was announced in January as Jim's replacement for the 11pm news, none of them mention anything about 6pm. Are you sure you are remembering it correctly?


scienceon t1_izdx1xk wrote

Wonder if op saw and misread something like 2nd headline... "Channel 6 at 11"


pianomanzano t1_izbxji2 wrote

They only announced Rick replacing him for the 11pm spot back when Jim stopped doing 11pm.


hbcadlac t1_izcc6ah wrote

I want to see a comedian do the news and ad lib along the way.


kflan138 t1_izctap3 wrote

I mean, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?

Local news would be cool delivered that way, I’d tune in again.


mbz321 t1_izcvbch wrote

That dude takes so many damn breaks...I love watching his show, but now he's off until February or some shit.


dc122186 t1_izea2jt wrote

He was on Conan O'Brien's podcast a few years back explaining this. While negotiating the contract with HBO, HBO wanted more shows per year, but John held firm saying it would severely impact the quality of the show. Because of the time it takes to research and all of that, they really can only do so many shows per year.


hbcadlac t1_izd7p89 wrote

I’m no comedian , butt , while watching the news Ivan deliver some pretty good zingers.


adamv2 t1_izdxqix wrote

Don’t worry everyone. Alicia Vitarelli will still be there doing nothing but hocking Disney crap and ABC’s reality shows under the disguise of news.


DJRoombasRoomba t1_ize31r7 wrote

Most local news is garbage (not just in Philly but in most places, especially large markets) and has two purposes; one, to promote syndication and corporate synergy with their parent companies, and two, to spam stories of violent crime in the hood to scare white people in the burbs.


dc122186 t1_izea5kh wrote

Eyewitness News and Action News were the two brands which brought that model of local news into the mainstream.


wcdregon t1_izeufic wrote

Sad but kinda true…

At the end of the day tv decisions are made based on ad revenue. Gotta get them eyeballs


fatandlean t1_izdk34l wrote

I like Rick but was always surprised Taft wasn’t getting more. Maybe he gave them an ultimatum.

Does this mean that Rick will have the 5 and 11? It’s a weird way to break up the programming. I wonder if Brian keeps the noon and 4 shows. Maybe Sara Bloomquist takes the noon by herself, Brian gets 4 and 6, and Rick gets 5 and 11?


Former_Ad7944 t1_izbvj52 wrote

I know I swore they said Rick Williams was taking over his spot?


rodmandirect t1_izhgcqs wrote

I say, give Maggie Kent a shot at the main chair - she’s my fav


gusmoney t1_izcawjj wrote

If you are wasting your time getting "news" from these jokers, you get the TV-bozak.


skip_tracer t1_izcpzs3 wrote

yes because it's awful to be informed about what's happening in our community and all of their reports are opinion pieces. You fucking potato.