Submitted by irishgambin0 t3_zef8ai in philadelphia

i've been wearing my Flyers hat everywhere i go out here. this has been a flag of sorts. a few dudes have hovered around me staring, which according to my roommate hasn't happened to them unless i was there with my Flyers hat on. but even if they wanted a fight they've been too drunk to do anything about it. people in Minneapolis don't seem to hold their liquor as well as people in Philly.

aside from these lingerers, it attracts people asking me questions about Philly or telling me stories about Eagles fans in Minneapolis after the Superbowl. one story in particular everyone seems to wanna tell me, and i have to admit, it's pretty damn funny.

after the Superbowl win all the Eagles fans in town hit the streets to party. somewhere in downtown Minneapolis there's a bar called The Eagle Bar. so one could see how an Eagles fan might see this bar and decide to party there. and that they did. hundreds of them swarmed the place.

turned out that The Eagle Bar is a full-on gay bar.

what makes the story so funny though–especially to me because i know how Philly rolls–is that they almost immediately realized it was a gay bar and said "fuck it", and just kept partying at the this gay bar that happened to share a name with our Superbowl champions.

Philly never ceases to be Philly. lol



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FolesNick9 t1_iz6ojzw wrote

Similar story - As an avid fan of the movie toy story, I visited this bar in Philly called Woody's assuming it was paying homage to Andy's favorite toy. You wouldn't believe what I walked into


cdusttt t1_iz6p1ya wrote

I went in there sober (big mistake) and could literally feel the sweat in the air. I couldn’t stop imagining breathing in people’s sweat. Really fun bar when you’re drunk though.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6qx9e wrote

when i went i wasn't totally convinced it was a gay bar. seemed like half women having the time of their lives and the other half guys who were looking around wondering if it was actually a gay bar.


CerBerUs-9 t1_iz6ugtp wrote

As a gay, it's mostly a place for straight people to hang out and watch a few cis-gay men like a zoo. "Sorry bro, I'm straight" should be their slogan.


AristaAchaion t1_iz71ojb wrote


loctastic t1_iz7ewmh wrote

What happened to Sisters?


Gedunk t1_iz8dmtg wrote

Closed in I think 2012ish? Had my first kiss with a woman there, so many good times in that place. RIP Sisters


AbsentEmpire t1_iz9a18f wrote

I can assure you that most of the woman in Woodys are straight.


-DizzyPanda- t1_iz9nifi wrote

I had more luck picking up women at Woody's in my 20s than i did at any other bar in the city.


AbsentEmpire t1_izanrhx wrote

Not supprised, stopped going there because the straight men in there would get overly aggressive if they so much as thought you were hitting on them; which was obnoxious as fuck. Motherfucker, you're the one who walked into a gay bar, what did you think would happen.

Not to mention it was off putting being treated like a zoo attraction by bridal showers. Every once in a while was tolerable, but it just got so frequent it was obnoxious and slightly dehumanizing.


-DizzyPanda- t1_izaoe0o wrote

I'm bi so getting hit on by all involved parties was welcomed.


L00per407 t1_iz9u14o wrote

Lesbians go to bed at 830. There’s just as many gays as lesbians in the US, yet your stat still exists. It’s not discrimination, it’s just business.


AristaAchaion t1_iza7s1q wrote

i made no mention of discrimination; you brought that to the convo. i simply said a bar doesn’t cease to be a gay bar because there are women inside of it, which is what the comment i originally replied to implied.


L00per407 t1_izaijxj wrote

I apologize if posting sources to underrepresented communities isn’t often immediately followed by claims of discriminatory behavior on Reddit.


AristaAchaion t1_izb4t4z wrote

i posted that 21 hours ago; wouldn’t i have made my immediate claims of discrimination already by now instead of letting nearly a day pass?


aenteus t1_izceaey wrote

Goddamn. Wildside West made it; The White Ho(rse) didn’t.


universallybanned t1_iz7zscm wrote

So then what's the difference in the L and the G in lgbt?


verguenzapato t1_iz85el7 wrote

G tends to have more disposable income and, therefore, more people willing to start, buy & invest in their bars.


LeastCleverNameEver t1_iz9ukbw wrote

I disagree. I think it has a lot to do with gay culture as well as the loss of a couple generations of gay men.

Because of the AIDS crisis, for the last couple decades The median age of gay men has skewed much much younger than the median age of lesbian women. Younger men have more of a desire to go out and party, get drunk, hookup, etc. than women over the age of let's say 35.

Additionally, hookup culture is a massive part of the young gay lifestyle, while U-Haul culture is more associated with younger lesbians.

This means very few spaces have ever been created that cater to an older gay audience and the lesbian bars that have been created have primarily just been gay bars for girls.

Lesbians and older queer folks need to redefine what such a space should look like instead of trying to rebrand what young gay culture thrives in.


verguenzapato t1_iza64ct wrote

This made me literally laugh out loud.

Oversimplified, stereotyping, poorly researched.

The topic of lesbian bars failing has been researched by marketing firms who work for the biggest corporations in the world, but your take is “Lesbians aren’t like every other normal human being in the world who likes to go to bars, dance, and hookup. And they shouldn’t get to, they should invent a new way to hang out that isn’t the way gay men hang out.

Ugh. I really hate Reddit sometimes.


flaaaacid t1_iz7j457 wrote

It was once. It basically isn’t anymore.


greatbrownbear t1_iz9wgy0 wrote

there’s a sports bar in Cincinnati called (Uncle) Woody’s, and i thought it was a chain or something when i walked into the one in philly. i was so wrong. had a blaaaast though


Jawny_Appleseed t1_iz6jk22 wrote

Yo! I was in Houston (a shithole, non walkable metropolis) for the game this year and there was a gay bar there called the Eagle Bar as well. Truth is, you could have went anywhere in Houston and it would have been majority Philly fans.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6keqj wrote

haha i heard Houston is huge. as in sprawled out.


mortgagepants t1_iz6r532 wrote

i couldn't find a philly map with houston over top, but this NYC one does pretty well and should be relatable for anyone in this sub.


halfrican14 t1_iz76cfc wrote

Wow that’s actually insane


Zhuul t1_iz78ryq wrote

There’s basically zero public transportation too lol


Master_Winchester t1_iz7bpc1 wrote

Because it's a city the size of Pittsburgh but they count the suburbs as city.


mortgagepants t1_iza22e6 wrote

anytime we talk about reforming the city police, i always bring this up. camden is policed by camden county. i have no problem integrating bucks, montco, and delco, into a larger metro area.


Zhuul t1_izap0wv wrote

I feel like loading McNesby onto a rocket and firing him into the sun would be a more realistic solution


avo_cado t1_iz808ld wrote

I had a buddy with a 30 mile commute that never left city limits


ktappe t1_iz8m2x2 wrote

The only reason Houston is considered a large city is that it literally absorbed its suburbs into being part of "Houston". Imagine if Philly absorbed Camden and Wilmington and King of Prussia.


Mommy-Q t1_iz9a4kx wrote

Teachnically thats how Philly got as big as it is too.


GaymoSexual t1_iz709af wrote

I love the Houston Eagle. It may be my favorite of the Leather Bar franchise.


modeltoast t1_iz6ltpx wrote

lol just because a place isnt walkable doesnt make it a shithole dude. thatd make a good portion of the entire world a shithole.


Jawny_Appleseed t1_iz6mkoq wrote

No. Houston is a shithole and that comes from a lifelong Philadelphian. There wasn’t a single part of that city didn’t smell like an adult diaper. The fact that we had to Uber 35 times in 4 days just adds insult to injury.


modeltoast t1_iz6vgh6 wrote

different strokes i guess but not surprising. philadelphians hate every other city


CroatianSensation79 t1_iz6zwb6 wrote

Not really. Houston is just a very large suburban style city that is too car centric from what I hear. I’m from Philly and love Chicago, NYC, Nashville, etc.


Jawny_Appleseed t1_iz71vtx wrote

Same. Love Boston, Baltimore, and even Seattle and Portland.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz9lqqs wrote

i'll add myself to the the list of people from Philly who don't hate other cities besides Philly. i'm a big fan of New Orleans. love the people and the food there.


ILoveKittensAndCats t1_iz8n3os wrote

Pretty much all of Texas is car-centric. Public transportation is not very good, and everything is far apart. The heat becomes a factor as well.


South_Cockroach_156 t1_iz94pmi wrote

According to Google Maps, there is no way to take public transit from downtown Dallas to the football stadium. 100,000 people have to drive to every game.


ILoveKittensAndCats t1_izax4oe wrote

Tell me about it. I went to a concert at the Cotton Bowl last year. We were able to catch a bus (or tram?) to the show but we were totally f-ed after the show. I expected that, but I didn’t expect the torrential rain that fell during and after the concert. ☹️


hamlet717 t1_iz65uub wrote

Haha, great story


MonkeyPanls t1_iz689uk wrote



kjm16216 t1_iz6da5s wrote



Stormcrow1776 t1_iz6ec8c wrote



random_closet_weeb t1_iz6g9k3 wrote



ratmoustache t1_iz6ij64 wrote



Analysis-Special t1_iz7l7lh wrote

I’m a Philly transplant in Wisconsin. I make a point to wear Eagles gear any time the Packers are playing. No one here says shit. They are the most passive aggressive fans ever. The Vikings and Packers fans will talk a lot of shit between each other but no one gets beat up in the stadium. I’ve gotten asked multiple times if there was really a courtroom in the basement of the Vet.


tomdawg0022 t1_iz9h0h9 wrote

> The Vikings and Packers fans will talk a lot of shit between each other but no one gets beat up in the stadium.

Ope, don't mind the Viking and Packer fans silently throwing mental daggers at your back as you walk away from them.

(Source: Grew up in Minneapolis)


Analysis-Special t1_iz9r0v1 wrote

I know they are silently doing that. In Philly we throw literal D cell batteries ;)


mundotaku t1_iz70r7z wrote

Dude, I don't like sports and people in this town LOOOVE to talk sports. I try to be nice, and agreeable, but I have no idea what they are talking about 🤣

I decided never to wear any sport related merchandise because I don"t know anything about any team and don't want anyone to pick my clothing as a conversation starter.


mistersausage t1_iz7c9se wrote

Right before I moved to Philly I saw the Silver Linings Playbook and thought it was satirizing Philly sports fans.

I very quickly realized that part of the movie was completely accurate.


KenzoWap t1_iz6oh2l wrote

A superbowl win over the cheating ass patriots. I’d celebrate that win with anyone anywhere.


irishgambin0 OP t1_izbm836 wrote

i was drinking at a bar alone a couple years back and Nigel Bradham sat down next to me, so i did a shot of tequila with him and chatted. i was trying not to be overbearing with football talk, but he obliged me with a story from the Superbowl.

he said the practices are such that teams can watch practices but only from certain team/club boxes where recording devices aren't allowed, while the team practicing can record from designated boxes. Dougie P saw them recording and from a box they shouldn't have been in, but instead of notifying league officials they ran practice as scheduled, and then changed their gameplan up at the next closed door practice.


Madmike215 t1_iz7bmz9 wrote

E A G L E S… Woody’s


ScottClam42 t1_iz94ysz wrote

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that a bar in Pattya, Thailand called "The Cockpit" was not aviation themed


sweetassassin t1_iz781zg wrote

Almost on par with Guiliani at the Four Seasons... almost.


mightyalrighty87 t1_iz7gngw wrote

I don't know why (even as a gay), but there seems be an Eagle gay bar in a lot of cities--Boston also has one


dbrjr t1_iz8x4n6 wrote

Wait, Wild fans have a problem with your Flyers hat? I’ll admit, the Flyers have not been great as of late, but the Wild..? They haven’t won shit going back to their North Star days.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz9mlvb wrote

they will on January 27th when i go back to Xcel Center for the Flyers game. but i went to the game against the Penguins on the 17th and wore the orange and black, and was pretty much an honorary Wild fan. i was just fulfilling my duty as a Flyers fan to talk that shit on the Penguins, but it was nice to meet some people from Minnesota while i did it.

bars. bars are where the lingerers have been lingering.


Geo_Music t1_iz78kj2 wrote

Do you like the new city?


redjonley t1_iz7gg8y wrote

How you liking it? Got inlaws that won't stfu about us moving there (Minni where they live).


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz83wd1 wrote

it's okay. i honestly haven't seen enough to really weigh in on it though. there's been snow on the ground almost every day since i've been here. so i didn't come at the best time to explore.


Philodemus1984 t1_iz6lf9e wrote

As a Minneapolis native who’s lived in Philly for about a decade, I’d say that midwesterners in general can hold their liquor as well as Philadelphians, but we’re much more likely to become taciturn when drunk and Philadelphians are much more likely become belligerent.


Ok_Crew_3620 t1_iz7tid1 wrote

Fellow Minnesotan / transplant. I can’t say I disagree but Minnesotans are a really unique breed in their own right. Passive aggressive fucks. (I love MN but Philly is RAW and let’s you know where it stands)


HyruleJedi t1_iz7iz24 wrote

Lime that one where philly is so pathetic they had a bar crawl on a year anniversary of the win while the Pats went to put a 6th trophy in their case….

That one is my favorite.

Downvote me all you want. Love philly, respect every other team. Fuck the birds


[deleted] t1_iz66p8g wrote



irishgambin0 OP t1_iz67vof wrote

barring a horror story from someone who was there, i'd imagine there was a rather friendly atmosphere amongst all. i'd also be willing to bet the bartenders made bank.


ElectricalMud2850 t1_iz89dd4 wrote

It's walking distance from the stadium during the superbowl. Everyone in that radius was prepared to host superbowl goers that weekend, it was a money printing festival.

The eagle is great, I'm sure a good time was had by all.

Source: worked at a bar/restaurant about 6 blocks further during the superbowl.


degreelesspotatohead t1_iz6mhr2 wrote

Here is an article with commentary from the bar's owner. He enjoyed having them, and his regular clientele were avoiding downtown because of the disruption of the game. Calm down.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6td43 wrote

in the photo in the 2nd tweet you can see one of the bartenders wearing a purple shirt that says "YAY SPORTS" 😂😂😂


Skylineviewz t1_iz6rpf5 wrote

Somebody needs to tell him he should be offended or something


nerfrosa t1_iz7jy6r wrote

I imagine that if this was a recurrence, it would have gotten pretty annoying, but since it was a one time thing, the patrons and employees probably found it pretty funny, not to mention the fact that it was probably hella profitable.


[deleted] t1_iz6nn3h wrote



degreelesspotatohead t1_iz6veg8 wrote

The game. The Superbowl is a huge event that will have a major effect on things like traffic, parking, etc. Not to mention the tens of thousands of people coming to town. I'm sure lots of venues--not just queer spaces--had very few of their regular customers that night.

You're really, really reaching to find a reason to be offended.


[deleted] t1_iz6wlsq wrote



degreelesspotatohead t1_iz6x7k6 wrote

How's that? You're telling us that visitors to a bar you've probably never been to in a town you've probably never been should have been excluded because of their sexual orientation. The bar's owner welcomed them, and everyone was happy. If they had been asked to go elsewhere because they made people uncomfortable, that would be one thing. But that didn't happen. To the extent there's fragility showing, I think it's yours.


cerialthriller t1_iz6arf6 wrote

Woulda been easier to just point out that they used seizes instead of ceases. But also gay bars have always been inclusive any time I’ve gone


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6jgk6 wrote

i always thought seizes also works in that context.

verb - take hold of suddenly and forcibly

right? i care about my vocabulary, so please correct any misunderstanding i may have.


cerialthriller t1_iz6l596 wrote

Think about it, “Philly never stops taking hold of Philly suddenly and forcefully” or “Philly never stops being Philly”. It depends what you were going for but i assumed “Philly never stops being Philly” is closer to what you wanted, in the vein of “never ceases to amaze me” in the context of you will always be impressed by something


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz6m6cs wrote

oooooh, right. so i'm thinking "Philly never seizes to amaze me".got my contexts switched up. thank you!


Philodemus1984 t1_iz6lsin wrote

“Philly never forcibly takes hold of Philly”? Doesn’t really make sense in the context. You definitely meant “ceases”.


GaymoSexual t1_iz70mdw wrote

As a queer person whom frequents Leather Bars. I would absolutely love it having a bunch of excited people celebrating and having a great time. Honestly I prefer drunk eagle fans over bachelorette parties.


irishgambin0 OP t1_iz750jy wrote

>Honestly I prefer drunk eagle fans over bachelorette parties.

you heard it here folks.


zooberwask t1_iz67hse wrote

>Also, always nice when the fact that queer people existing is the punchline of a joke.



[deleted] t1_iz682n6 wrote



irishgambin0 OP t1_iz69f1b wrote

no see the equation becomes funny when you mix the gay community and Johnny and the boys at local 158. it isn't just about you.


robobetaprey t1_iz6fvb8 wrote

to be fair, i both accept your point about queer spaces AND think the story would be even funnier if they'd overwhelmed a bar named for a shit band like The Eagles.


Ok_Crew_3620 t1_iz7tq6z wrote

I’m from Minneapolis and have been to this bar nothing short of 20 times. I can assure you they thought it was hilarious and ultimately didn’t mind. There are lots of gay bars in MSP too. Cool city