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SamShephardsMustache t1_j1z16nh wrote

I got kicked out of there by Shelly Pavel himself in the 90's.


GooFoYouPal t1_j1z1zki wrote

in his signature sweater vest ?


SamShephardsMustache t1_j1z4cvy wrote

it was always maroon, right? School colors and all...


GooFoYouPal t1_j1z55v4 wrote

always maroon, always.


cerulean11 t1_j1za45p wrote

I have my own now! I know I'm biased but he was the best. The new principals just seem so modern.


GooFoYouPal t1_j1zb3e2 wrote

I always liked Shelly and his old school aesthetic. Also always laughed how he drove the teachers crazy with his long-winded announcements over PA system.


neems260 t1_j1zxjnu wrote

Let me reiterate..


GooFoYouPal t1_j201bge wrote

Hahaha. He used to drive my fav English teacher, Mr. Moyer, nuts with his droning on in the afternoon over the PA.


uptown_gargoyle t1_j1z1z0c wrote

these people look like they're in their late 20s and early 30s


Ng3me t1_j2038uj wrote

Common trait in white people to see black people as older than they are.


target_meet_arrow t1_j205mrx wrote

That's also a somewhat accurate way to describe the situation. But I think many people regardless of color might have a tendency to view black kids as older if they were raised in the western world.

Plus black kids tend to enter puberty slightly earlier than their white peers which isn't about perception at all.


Bubbleteame t1_j1zh8bi wrote

A common trait in black people?? Sounds like a blanket statement and importantly, an excuse for racism and not allowing black kids to be kids.

Also. You should refer to your own articles listed. Black kids are seen older because of racist tropes dating back to slavery. Black people aren’t inherently older looking. In fact it’s quite normal for black people, especially black women, to maintain their youthful imagine/skin well into adulthood.


Namnagort t1_j1zjz7t wrote

Race aside it seems like old pictures of people always look older.


target_meet_arrow t1_j1zr8zg wrote

In the past people literally aged faster due to diet, dental care, and UV protection. Fashion plays a role too.


ssyoit t1_j1zwvh6 wrote

I think having more dated haircuts and clothing also contributes to that older look effect. If you watch 80’s movies you’d think all the daddies are playing high school teenagers.


Bubbleteame t1_j1zksnw wrote

Yea I definitely agree with that! Especially looking at antique portraits, young people always look older and more hardened.


ceMmnow t1_j1zjewk wrote

I think you two are on the same page but he worded it poorly. Yes, all the research showing negative outcomes with viewing Black youth as older is out of implicit biases programmed in us in the US thanks to our history and modern day stereotypes, not anything inherent. If we grew up in a society free of said biases and stereotypes, we wouldn't tend to overestimate Black youths' ages.


target_meet_arrow t1_j1zl1lr wrote

>Sounds like a blanket statement

I said somewhat common. I don't have evidence of this beyond my experience being black and my wife being a highschool teacher in a majority black school. In my estimation it is more common for black kids to look older and this is echoed by the research I have read on the subject.

>importantly, an excuse for racism and not allowing black kids to be kids.

It's a partial explanation. Give people pictures of pubescent black kids and in general they will guess older ages for the black kids than similarly aged white kids. This is part of why black kids are charged as adults more often. IMO the only way to fix this is to have a hard cutoff. UNder 18 and kids can't be charged as adults with no exceptions.

Some of what racism is is built into people. Good people identify and account for those thoughts. Bad people either ignore them or give into them. Human beings are programmed to see patterns (whether or not they are there) and make shortcuts based on them. Think social optical illusions.

>Black people aren’t inherently older looking

Except experimentally it seems that black kids are seen as older by white people. And black kids tend to enter puberty slightly earlier than white kids.

> In fact it’s quite normal for black people, especially black women, to maintain their youthful imagine/skin well into adulthood.

Yes, my mother won't shut the fuck up about how young she looks. That's not the age nor the phenomenon I was referring to.


Bubbleteame t1_j1zm0y9 wrote


I stand behind everything I said in my response. Can we both agree that you could’ve possibly worded your comment wrong?

And I bought up the black people maintaining their youth as an epithet. It’s just something I wanted to state and no it’s not really what we’re talking about but it’s more truth than “it’s common trait for black people look older”…


target_meet_arrow t1_j1zm7yr wrote

What would you have preferred?


Bubbleteame t1_j1znt1q wrote

Honestly I don’t know.. but.. do you honestly think Black kids look older because it’s inherent? I know you said it’s ‘somewhat common’ but I’m genuinely curious


target_meet_arrow t1_j1zpmtz wrote

I think when compared to white kids; which is how white people are generally basing their comparisons due to their life experiences, black kids have a tendency to look older once they enter puberty.

I can't figure out what issue you have with my initial statement unless you were reading it with a negative voice which doesn't make sense to me with the message and links provided. I guess I could have offered more explanation but I felt the provided links did that better than I could. If you think of something please let me know because I honestly don't get your issue.


FriendlyFire_19 t1_j20zndy wrote

Her issue is that she thought you were white saying that. That’s it.


revcon t1_j1z8cjn wrote

Incredible jackets in this photo


sm0lshit t1_j1z9g5w wrote

I would be proud to wear any jacket featured in this photo.


GooFoYouPal t1_j1z23av wrote

In ball field or in life…


RockStar25 t1_j1zi76j wrote

I'm more proud of graduating from CHS than my university.


Rotaryknight t1_j22pb1q wrote

I wished I could've continued to graduate from Central, had to leave some of my friends because getting up for school at 6.30 and leaving my house at 6:50 was wayyyyyy too early for me. Had to transfer to a closer school


cerulean11 t1_j1z9xzj wrote

Little known fact: the 260th graduating class has been the most successful, highest earning, continuously educated, and best looking of the school's history.


Rotaryknight t1_j22pe88 wrote

I think you mean 262 :D......shit, if I graduated from centrals anyways lol


maverick26290 t1_j23p8ax wrote

We all know 262 is the greatest class in Central’s history.


Ng3me t1_j203jam wrote

This photo is back when it was boys only, right?


Antereon t1_j21xfe9 wrote

Lets go 270! Apparently the class with the highest dropout LESGOOOOO.


Suitable_Air7897 t1_j21boxc wrote

I wonder how the Olney terminal was back then lol.


BenFranklinBuiltUs t1_j21u4ux wrote

Why are these photos always black and white? It was 1981, I remember 1981, we all had color TVS and color polaroids.


scnavi t1_j2051ta wrote

Why is the fourth young man in the foreground and the second young man in the immediate background the same person?


maverick26290 t1_j23phvj wrote

262 is the best class in Central history and it’s not even close.


smbiggy t1_j21i6bc wrote

Lol I thought this said central bucks high school and I was very confused
