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Mysterious_Bat8306 t1_j1ut1qy wrote


throwawaythedo t1_j1uvuu3 wrote

I was (still kinda am) obsessed. Mostly I love watching her shut him down.


Mysterious_Bat8306 t1_j1vjy94 wrote

When the gloves came off after sentencing it was so satisfying


throwawaythedo t1_j1waojq wrote

I tried listening to interviews with her and she’s so professional that she doesn’t really talk about it on a personal level. I keep checking YouTube to see if any jurors have spoken out, but no results.

Would be nice to see how he’s doing in prison. I know he attempted to sell his story to a journalist. 😂😂😂


dc122186 t1_j1wgia9 wrote

Unfortunately now she's running for Wisconsin Supreme Court and she's a right wing nut job
