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JWHISKY707 t1_j1vzaz5 wrote

I think the issue is that there is 900 fees and permits used for doing a basic building these days. If you are gonna go full ignore mode might as well go the whole way.

The city will never give up revenue but they need to simplfy the process. Take away the 900 fees and just have a way better enforcement division.

Make it easier and cheaper to comply to standards. While having better enforcement and stricter fines.

Like I said though. This city loves finding 1000+ ways to take another buck from you. They will never give it up


pwfinsrk t1_j1w4ph5 wrote

The real issue is L&I is and always has been a disaster. Mismanaged, incompetent, lazy and underfunded. But it's easier to pass a law then to actually reform a big bureaucracy like that