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Geo_Music t1_ix9svo0 wrote

Tenant Union Representation Network look them up.


gnartato t1_ixa3xei wrote

All I can reccomend is get every single thing in writing and FYI: PA is a two party state.


AbsentEmpire t1_ixa6f0v wrote

I believe the Philadelphia Bar Association could direct you to a lawyer who could take on your case, but someone else on here said they evidently charge $30 for a referral.

Document everything, and good luck with your fight.


CharlieKelly_Esq t1_ixa6u1y wrote

Since they are trying to hold you to terms that you never signed, just send them some right back. "As per the agreement you never signed, you are expected to reduce my rent by 50% per recycling infraction."


Bestueverhad10 t1_ixa8w2c wrote

They will listen for $30 but then charge whatever their normal fee is. I did it and then paid $125 for the lawyer to write a strongly worded letter to my landlord trying to illegally evict me and it stopped. My lease was not renewed but I didn’t care at that point, I wanted out


nemesisinphilly t1_ixa95qc wrote

I'm curious what you mean by the management not recycling? According to the city any building 6 units and under is eligible for city pick up so each individual unit occupant would be responsible for setting out their own trash/recycling.

I assume you are in a bigger building with private trash pick up. So are you saying that that the management company is paying for private trash pick up but not for recycling pick up?

I'm pretty disenchanted with city recycling. On my block I would say 75% of the time the trash truck takes both the trash and recycling. Hard to not see it as a waste of my time as collection stands now.


JawnStreetLine t1_ixafzsb wrote

In addition to TURN, reach out to your City Councilperson and/or a Councilperson at-large. In particular, Helen Gym (at-large) has been incredibly helpful for myself and others when dealing with landlord stuff. She’s the one who really spearheaded eviction diversion during and after Covid. Their info is at the posted link. Best of luck, Landlords suck.


Sagnew t1_ixagfbv wrote

>Recently I reported them to the city for not recycling,

I have some bad news for you .....


cruzincoyote t1_ixaiz01 wrote

Are you from Philadelphia or new here?

For one, the city doesn't even recycle anything the recycling truck picks up. Its all for show. Sometimes they throw it all in the same truck and it goes straight to the dump.

Second, the court systems are atrocious. You'll more than likely be fighting them for years and spend thousands.

And to be honest. I really think you should be worrying about other things rather than your apartment complex recycling, because like I previously stated. The city doesn't actually do it.


respondstostupidity t1_ixaoxco wrote

> Honestly minding their own business would have solved all the issues.

According to them it wouldn't which is why they reported them. Read better next time. Since you didn't bother to though, I'll help you: their property management is bad.


Haelrezzip t1_ixas22c wrote

Is it Anchor Realty? I once rented from them and they were HORRIBLE


marenicolor t1_ixaz8uc wrote

Have you tried the Fair Housing Commission (FHC). Good luck btw....all recycling goes into the same trash truck in Philly.


crumbofpcp t1_ixb1lmt wrote

i hope there was a consistent case of shitty property management, because if not you just flipped your entire life upside down over recycling that doesnt even actually get recycled either way i hope all goes the best for you


mistersausage t1_ixb2zzy wrote

What do you want out of this? Lawyers are expensive and even if you are 100% legally correct, there is never a guarantee you will win, let alone get your legal fees paid.

In my opinion you should try to negotiate a cash for keys situation. They don't want you there and are making you miserable. If you can find a new place, maybe offer your current landlord that you'll gtfo in exchange for your security deposit and moving costs paid in advance, or paid when you turn the keys over. Of course get everything in writing, so if they try to screw you, you can take them to municipal court.


TheBreasticle t1_ixb3u71 wrote

I don’t have any advice other than fucking get ‘em, OP.

You’ll find the right attorney, don’t give up your search. Be prepared for the long haul, legal battles are a long game.


nemesisinphilly t1_ixb7uvr wrote

Yeah I'm also unclear as to what you wish to accomplish with this:

Recycling: Not a habitability issue. Them not recycling is not causing your unit to be uninhabitable

Rental License: This is just done online with no inspection or oversight. As long as there are no outstanding violations you can get a license in literally 5 minutes.

Suitability Cert: Same as above. No inspection is actually done to the property. As long as there are no violations and an active rental license you get one online instantly.

Are you just suing to get your security deposit back or trying to get back rent or what..?

Was there a habitability issue with your unit? What rules did they add that are bad?


Interesting_Low_1025 t1_ixb7z0w wrote

Sounds like my old management company. They had 56 units and our building and no recycling.


foundation_G t1_ixcfrfq wrote

Talk to other tenants. Get them on your side, if enough people stop paying rent they’ll listen


FordMaverickFan t1_ixciiqi wrote

This has the same energy of my aunt who used to call the police on her son in the 90s to teach him a lesson but doesn’t understand why her son won’t talk to her today


CatchMeWritinQWERTY t1_ixd31ec wrote

The city does recycle, this is a myth that nothing gets recycled. Occasionally they don’t have the resources or a vendor so they are forced to pick it up as trash or trash it once it is already collected but they do attempt to recycle it.