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Lizzardking666 t1_iyauqkp wrote

I been here since the 75 1/8days if frx. I been here 4.5 years, your one of them fake patients i call them ya got ya card from a script doc n a cracker jack box no offense. when i got my card shortly after there was a flower shortage due two parts the state got greedy by adding anixety which brought the stoners wanting medical and the old scrpit doctors surfaced to get their hands in the market and the growers couldnt keep up. When i got my card it was $300 for the consultation in office visit where they accepted your claims then hadda wait for them to retrieve your records then call you back in for doc evaultion where he approved you or didnt then hadda wait another 2 weeks to get your card there were also only prime frx terrapin illera gleaf rythm whole plants n standard farms were still in diapers. on a good day you might get your order due in part from the shortage. So ask that last question to me again?


ChemicalPop5255 t1_iyawp6g wrote

Ok, well it’s different than it was 4.5 years ago. More people have access, it’s cheaper and there are far more options. I personally feel that weed should be completely legal. If it takes “Cracker Jack Box” docs, as you say, to get more PA residents access to MMJ until we can improve our laws than so be it. I don’t understand the problem here. And if someone is posting here for good information I think it’s important to supply them with that info if I have it. Not potentially deter them from accessing medicine because they thought the cost was different than it is. I’m sorry if you feel bitter that you may have had a more difficult time in the program 4+ years ago but things are a bit different now. And hopefully things continue to improve. ✌️


Lizzardking666 t1_iyayvfh wrote

Andt i did say aprrox 500 between doc state n first purchase. Yea now if we can get more quality bud and better consistency right now its terrapin frx ns pullin them strings n lit for the newbies. N n bitterness i feel bad for the state when they go recreational and seperate the ture medical from the cracker jacks lol happy medicating