Submitted by IssCarrot t3_ylc9jh in philadelphia

Hi everyone! I'm having some issues with the ppa right now. I was issued a parking ticket in June for an expired meter and I disputed it. There was no meter and the meter number on the ticket did not match any meters in the park mobile app. Once I disputed the ticket, it was suspended for the time being. I never received a letter with a decision as you do with other tickets where they let you know if you are liable or not.

Today I received a letter in the mail saying that my $26 ticket has now had 4 penalties applied to it and is now $91 and will be sent to collections if not paid. I spoke with the ppa and they told me that they had sent out the dispute decision letter in July but it was not delivered by the USPS and was returned and that there's nothing I can do but pay it or go through the courts. I'm very frustrated because I had been waiting to receive this letter in the mail and they also waited until my ticket incurred 4 penalties to send another letter... which was able to be delivered...

Is there anything I can do about this? I would've paid the ticket if they had let me know I am liable but I never received any response in the mail and I had checked the portal and the ticket was suspended.




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mlippay t1_iuxowzh wrote

Reach out to ppa on Facebook messenger else you can try your odds in court.


IssCarrot OP t1_iuxpkun wrote

I would try to take it to court but the filing fee is $200 so it's definitely not worth it since the ticket is just $91


VajBlaster69 t1_iuxt8mw wrote

Yeah, that's how they get you. And you have to sacrifice a whole day to do it.


selfpromoting t1_iuylutr wrote

I wonder if the relevant ordinance allows for attorney fees and costs to be covered if the driver succeeds.

Edit: Doesn't look like it.


Due_Fill608 t1_iuy2uap wrote

Go to court. Ask the judge for the PPA to pay you for loss of wages.


IssCarrot OP t1_iuydyqg wrote

didn't know that was possible, thank you. I'm gonna go to the office and see if I can reason with someone and if not I may go this route


thbkpeach t1_iuy01hn wrote

Try going to the office with all of your documentation and reasoning with someone in person. That’s ridiculous. Good luck


IssCarrot OP t1_iuy0o1d wrote

Yeah, I think that's going to be my best bet. I don't even need to get the ticket disputed I just cant pay $65 in late fees. Thank you for the response


theaccountant856 t1_iv65ium wrote

Good ol local government services for you :) (maybe if we increase funding they will not suck so bad ) (haha)