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broseidonguy t1_iweubw8 wrote

Real ones know this was a top 5 worst McDonalds location on the east coast


TiP_710 t1_iwewwk3 wrote

Yes!! This is actually a public service


cazzhmir t1_iwezrzo wrote

holy fuck the amount of times they would just close in the middle of the day


go_berds t1_iwgp0fq wrote

Last time I was there they were all fighting over who got to go on break next and the manager said “Jesus Christ just give this guy his food and we’ll close for an hour and you can all go on break. Just stop fucking bitching”


tewnaa t1_iwgp0rp wrote

one time they closed the drive thru with a lot of heads waiting in it - then started taking people again once the drive thru cleared


brk1 t1_iwey5gs wrote

>on the east coast

on the planet


Static_Gobby t1_iwgc0mv wrote

>on the planet

The one on Highway 10 in midtown Little Rock, Arkansas just barely has it beat.


Raecino t1_iwey9ag wrote

I knew a guy who was a manager there and even he said that lol


conorb619 t1_iwg2wz8 wrote

Is it ranked ahead or below the one at Temple, because your boy ordered a burger there once circa 2008, got back to the dorm, and it was cheese on dry bread, no meat no sauce, nothing.


AprilxOfficial t1_iwg9s8a wrote

I once waited an hour for a large fry before leaving with no large fry


conorb619 t1_iwgdwto wrote

I would have just hit 4th meal at J&H lol. Is that even a thing anymore?


AprilxOfficial t1_iwghdm4 wrote

It was 5 years ago, I’m sure it is still. But McDonald’s fries were infinitely better


muffpatty t1_iwf4ke9 wrote

I think Broad and Arch was also in the top 5.


BottleTemple t1_iwg16nu wrote

As is the one just east of Front and Girard.

Edit: I’m surprised by the downvotes here. Has that one recently improved or something?


fumor t1_iwgvn9g wrote

Ah, the wind tunnel McDonald's!


beardedtaco t1_iwfj925 wrote

I remember going here with my wife and they were out of both nuggets and fries. We ended up just leaving lol everytime we stopped there they were out of something different


Waru_ t1_iwgwyfk wrote

I’ll up you the one at broad and Carpenter, it was horrendous every time I went in


newmanification t1_iwj67h6 wrote

Wild because it’s so close to the McDonald’s at Girard & Front which is just as bad if not worse.


Scumandvillany t1_iweix7o wrote

This is a CMX2.5 property, which means it can be 55' by right, and 70 + with bonuses, first floor commercial. The fucked up thing is all other corners are CMX4, which is sub skyscraper zoning. This corner should absolutely be CMX5, skyscraper by right. The trolley, the sub both have stops here. Thanks Darrel Clarke!




phillyunk t1_iwen6po wrote

Bro…what did you just say?


alittlemouth t1_iweqp8t wrote

He said “build very tall [affordable] housing in place of this empty business” and the city said “no we can’t because we said a really little bit of this property can’t be a tall building a long time ago and it would be too much paperwork to change that, so here’s an empty McDonald’s. Enjoy!”


DougSethlas t1_iwer5kb wrote

The zoning of the property limits its development potential and is underzoned compared to the other corners that have zoning more appropriate for the area/location. Darrel Clarke is the local city council member for this area and the head of city council which has some say over zoning districts.

I think we can all agree that this McDonald’s and gas station/convenience store wasn’t the best use of this land, especially given the recent development in the area. I am curious to see how development will work here with at least two underground gas storage tanks. Lot of land remediation.


kdeltar t1_iwgc3qq wrote

Cmx means commercial mixed use. It’s poor form to use an acronym without first defining it


trashpandarevolution t1_iwer60n wrote

Can’t have that, people would move in. Can’t have that


watwatinjoemamasbutt t1_iwev6n3 wrote

Yup can’t have outsiders moving in who would potentially want some accountability from the city government siiiggghhhh


Raecino t1_iweyda1 wrote

Yeah good luck to anyone moving right there


CharlieKelly_Esq t1_iwg4z7r wrote

The issue is the land at this corner cannot support the weight of a taller building. I spend a lot of time down in the sewers foraging for rings and coins and directly under this spot is a hub for all the sewers in Philadelphia. Twice a day, a giant wall of water passes through here. (None of this is true.)


ImpendingSenseOfDoom t1_iwf45za wrote

God forbid his investment property... er... home depreciates slightly in the name of healthy urban fabric in his district!


KhandakerFaisal t1_iwgvlno wrote

What does any of this mean?


Scumandvillany t1_iwj1zid wrote

It means the property on this corner is zoned in a way that allows mid rise residential with commercial first floor by right. The other three corners are zoned CMX4, which can be quite a bit taller, like 11 stories by right with bonuses, or 22 stories with half lot coverage. Or so. My point is clarke SUCKS because he's responsible for this disparity, and furthermore he's responsible why this mega corner with subway stops /trolley stops and wide streets on both sides isn't all CMX5(skyscraper zoning) by right, as broad street should be from Oregon to the boulevard




69_420_bonerjamz t1_iwevocg wrote

It’s wild how many closed businesses are on Broad. Almost like there’s something fundamentally wrong with our city that one of the most heavily traveled streets can’t even support fast food


MoreShenanigans t1_iwf5h5f wrote

Part of it is probably because fast food chains have to compete with other options that are much better. Delis, halal carts, local pizza places, etc. There's a lot of good cheap food options in the city


69_420_bonerjamz t1_iwf6me7 wrote

How many of the things you listed are drive throughs? That much traffic almost 24hrs a day should be a constant line of cars


katecrime t1_iwf7b4j wrote

People walk in cities though


69_420_bonerjamz t1_iwf7ecq wrote

Ok. You clearly haven’t been on broad street


PotatoPlank t1_iwgkq1m wrote

I walk that shit at least 2-3 times a week. There's place of space to pull over and stop in somewhere if you need to.

I see it all the time at the Halal cart on Front and Girard


thecw t1_iwgbasw wrote

> Almost like there’s something fundamentally wrong with our city that one of the most heavily traveled streets can’t even support fast food

Honestly, this should be a feature. 1-story fast food with a drive through is the worst possible use for a main road in a dense urban core on top of a subway.


Danger_Dave_ t1_iwffdrw wrote

Doesn't help that they are a nightmare to get in and out of the parking lot and the drive thrus are awful.


DeltaNerd t1_iwfg1tn wrote

It's getting redeveloped into a taller building. Not sure who is the developer that's going to do it. The first floor can still have retail/restaurant (McDonalds)


BlackhawkinPA t1_iwhgohw wrote

Tbh, it seemed odd that so many fast food places were clustered together at Broad and Girard


PurpleWhiteOut t1_iwhoxen wrote

They're likely finally cashing in on the real estate for redevelopment. It's the case for the Broad and Washington and the UCity ones


DurkHD t1_iwexz43 wrote

I'll never forget when I waited an hour for my Doordash from here only for the store to close at 10:30 p.m. because it was shot up. RIP


blue-and-bluer t1_iweoldt wrote

It seems like McDonald’s has been closing a lot of locations in the city lately.


DanHassler0 t1_iwf828o wrote

The one in university city should be closing any day now if it hasn't already. Permits for the new building have been coming in. None left in center city, although McDonald's still owns the lot that burned down.


stonkautist69 t1_iwg531e wrote

Yeah that one is closing and the one near washington and grays ferry closed about 4 months ago, but they’re almost done rebuilding the new one. U city one is also being rebuilt as part of the new construction as well


southwest40x4 t1_iwhfcod wrote

I was coming off an overnight shift on Sunday morning and was famished. Took the long way to stop at that grays ferry McD’s and was super bummed it was closed. Got South Philly Barbacoa though, so I guess it worked out for the best.


tet3 t1_iwg58sv wrote

I'm pretty sure that there will be a McDs on the ground floor of the new building, from what I read.


keitroll t1_iwfp092 wrote

I had a feeling the UC one was not long for this earth, but I've enjoyed the few late-night trips I've had going there in the last few months. Real old school aesthetic you just don't get anymore.


PurpleWhiteOut t1_iwhojhu wrote

They (or other property owners in some cases) are cashing in on their real estate for redevelopment. I'd expect development here soon.


conorb619 t1_iwg307z wrote

I think the one on 23rd and Oregon is still open too?


blue-and-bluer t1_iwgav4b wrote

That’s the only one I know of that’s still open, yeah. Though I’m not a fan of their food so there could be some I don’t know about.


conorb619 t1_iwgdtom wrote

Yea me either. Honestly only stop in there once or twice a year for a large fries and diet coke lol


intrsurfer6 t1_iwguwqf wrote

A lot of fast food places in center city have closed since the pandemic


rushrhees t1_iwgwo2u wrote

McDonalds in the last decade was underperforming as a company so they’ve gone through restructuring and often involves culling the underperforming locatins


Ng3me t1_iwjftfr wrote

Property is too valuable and people have too many better options especially the fast casual places like Shake Shack that are supplanting traditional fast food. Fast food in general is being pushed out by those two facts.


SovietRobotDad t1_iwf4asr wrote

Something about the absolute piss service on Broad st. made it sort of authentic and endearing. RIP 🙏

Now it is the Columbus blvd location to take up the crown


ILoveKittensAndCats t1_iwff8t1 wrote

Don’t forget the McDonalds in the south Philly Wal-Mart.


MeEvilBob t1_iwg5w17 wrote

Or the one on it's own across the parking lot.


[deleted] t1_iwhvrzn wrote



MeEvilBob t1_iwijo6b wrote

They said "in the Walmart" and there is a McDonald's inside the Walmart separate from the standalone one in the same plaza.


hax0rmax t1_iwhx2yv wrote

Was one of the few times I risked safety to pee... I feel.


--jawnday-- t1_iweq173 wrote

Are there any McDonald’s locations left on broad street anymore? The three that I usually think of are all closed now.


justanawkwardguy t1_iwer80e wrote

Broad and Diamond is still open


FlyByPC t1_iwf66rb wrote

Also Broad and Allegheny, I think.


tet3 t1_iwg5izc wrote

I regularly drive up Broad from Girard to Olney, and I think I pass around 25 of them.


tkdsplitter t1_iwfa9ps wrote

The ODB McDonald’s in Grays Ferry got boarded up suddenly then torn down like 2 months ago without a word. There’s now a brand new McDonald’s in its place about to open. I go to the fresh grocer there every once in a while and was blown away watching it disappear then reappear.

I wonder if that’s what’s about to happen here.


Scumandvillany t1_iwg9q9d wrote

McDonald's has its own vetted construction contractors that it uses for builds. A lot of these firms sole business is rebuilding McDonalds quickly and efficiently. I knew a guy and that's literally all his company worked on.


TheBebsey t1_iwfgr21 wrote

If they are, they're not in a hurry. Gray's Ferry was demolished and the new one put up in what feels like record time (although every building site I've been around has taken them 2-3 years to get something even close to resembling a building, let alone being finished). They had a table out on the sidewalk for hiring applications last week, too, so they must be close?


benifit t1_iwg8hdy wrote

That renovation was honestly impressive to watch.


thecw t1_iwgb515 wrote

I love how it said "closed for renovations" and they just straight up demo'd it.


Fattom23 t1_iwib6kf wrote

That Gray's Ferry McDonald's should have been a historic landmark because of ODB.


brk1 t1_iwey3of wrote

Had many a windshield washed there.


Pingpaul t1_iwewxpj wrote

I’m still waiting for the wawa on Aramingo to disappear


iPoopAtChu t1_iwffc2h wrote

Which one? The one right before the 95 on-ramp? Their lease is for at minimum another 12 years and they're paying about $50k a month for rent, not including costs like property taxes and property insurance. Something REALLY bad would have to happen for them to close down prematurely.


erdtirdmans t1_iwfwb2v wrote

Aramingo and Sergeant was their biggest store in terms of volume only a few years ago. I'm sure it's down the list with the Aramingo and Wheatsheaf one open, but I don't think it's going anywhere

That said, they need to get the security guard back and figure something out with the police cause that shit's been lighting up my Citizen app the last year or so


Hipsterskumm t1_iwfx0x2 wrote

That shit was like the OK Corral.


DJRoombasRoomba t1_iwf05bp wrote

Are there any McDonalds left in the area anymore? This one's closed, the one at 17th and Walnut is closed, the one at 40th (?) and Chestnut is closed or is closing very soon.

I was trying to think of somewhere to get something quick to eat near Center City recently and the Wendys and Popeyes at 16th and Chestnut are all I could come up with. The Chic-Fil-A in Liberty Place closed too. Burger King 8th and Market closed. Wawa closed. Very few places to get a slice of pizza or something like that


electric_creamsicle t1_iwf47jc wrote

Not really the area but there's one if you drive a mile east on Girard.


patchworky t1_iwldhce wrote

This one is also downright cursed

Whenever I go there it feels like the employees are about to break out into a large scale brawl


electric_creamsicle t1_iwlfdzt wrote

I've only been inside once and it took something like 20 minutes to get my food. But the drive thru usually takes less than 10.

I really only get McDonalds when driving a bunch so my go-to is to go through the drive thru at this one on my way to 95.


warpoe t1_iwf6x76 wrote

Broad and diamond. Like half mile up Broad. Then Broad and Allegheny? Lehigh? Like another half mile up


catfish-jawn t1_iwfv2nu wrote

Popeyes & Panda Express are still at 10th & Market and there's a taco bell like a block up and over at 11th and Filbert I think. then down 11th towards Chinatown there's a Crown Fried Chicken and a pizza/cheesesteak spot across the street from that. no McDonald's tho.


DanHassler0 t1_iwf8gnt wrote

40th and Chestnut will likely reopen when the new building is done in a year or two, the plans distinctly call for McDonald's to be the sole ground floor tenant, seems to have a walk up window like Shake Shack too.

The one in Walnut that burned down is still owned by McDonald's, although I've seen no progress on rebuilding.


d4b3ss t1_iwf6y8c wrote

I would be very surprised if the McDonalds actually on Temple's campus closed. On Broad after Diamond before Susquehanna. I have zero idea why anyone would ever actually go to this one. I used to like McDonalds well enough but this location was total shit. Maybe the worst ever. The other one is like maybe 6 blocks north. Easy call to make.


fioraflower t1_iwg0978 wrote

It’s about eight blocks, and diamond has a much worse reputation for safety than girard


zephyrskye t1_iwfgsgw wrote

I lived in the dorm across the street from that McDonalds back in 2001. Those fries were the perfect cure for my drunk ass at 3am


MeEvilBob t1_iwg5rms wrote

There's plenty of places to get a slice of pizza, just not as many that are owned by multi-billion dollar corporations.


rndljfry t1_iwfvz7z wrote

Grays Ferry Ave is opening a brand new remodeled Mcdonald’s this week. looks pretty sweet actually


buzz8588 t1_iwewsmm wrote

Oh man, I used to walk there to redeem my “Phillies win, you score a free chicken sandwich” every now and then. Bummer.


redvision4 t1_iwf817b wrote

I still miss the White Castle that was at Broad & Girard .. RIP


fioraflower t1_iwg0br3 wrote

I lived about two blocks from this last year when I lived off campus at Temple. I still made the trek to diamond st if i wanted mcdonald’s because this one was so incomprehensibly terrible.


OkStructure3 t1_iwf60bz wrote

The checkers and KFC across the street were just as bad.


That_Checks t1_iwf4qdw wrote

Future McDowell's location


blodreina_kumWonkru t1_iwfxhdr wrote

This place was a legit petri dish. The amount of flies in the bathroom HAD to have been a health violation.


TheBookofCheat t1_iwheeeg wrote

Not even a top 5 worst in Philly. cracks knuckles

-Broad & Snyder -40th n Walnut -Broad & Hunting Park -American & Erie -Castor & Aramingo


canadacentennialbaby t1_iwjlq6q wrote

The Broad and Snyder McDonald's was something. I think it even had a play place in it? You know a place is bad when they can't lure you in with that wonderful fry smell they were piping into the street.

Anyone remember the McDonalds at 6th and South? It was the only clean bathroom around, so someone in your group would go in for cookies and the bathroom, and then hold the door for the next person.


dragonflyzmaximize t1_iwgt7gn wrote

This place was wild. I picked up a friend from out of town there once, because he was nearby and needed a place to rest while he waited for me. I don't think I'd ever driven in there before, it looked like it'd been bombed (there were craters in the parking lot I had to swerve around).

The faucet to the bathroom was just like, running, you couldn't shut it off. The door didn't close, it didn't have a doorknob it was just a hole.

The manager was talking to the staff huddled in a circle about something like not stealing or some shit. They kind of looked at me as I walked past and then didn't say anything.

It was probably one of the only places I've been in where if I went in to order food I'd leave because I knew it was going to either be absolutely inedible in some way or another.

RIP tho.


sippycup21 t1_iwhcl27 wrote

I only went there once and Im pretty sure I got somebody else’s order. I definitely have a photo of the place boarded up, but with “We Are Open” spraypainted on the boards.


SilcoEkkoViktor t1_iwgu6w0 wrote

where else will i go for a large sprite that takes 30 mins to get 😔 (endearing)


TenaciousLilMonkey t1_iwf1j04 wrote

Only went there once, and it was a fine experience. Seems I was one of the few that felt that way.


soofqueen t1_iwfa84h wrote

Never ate here but they served my coworker raw chicken… like only cooked on the very outside. Just seeing the picture made me gag 🤢


CatByAnyNameBeAsFluf t1_iwg5n3p wrote

Now there are only 3 McDonald’s between temple hospital and Fishtown. End of an era.


AtlUnJtd t1_iwggt6u wrote

Yeah but so many fish sandwiches here. Thank you for your service. RiP


jerryphoto t1_iwh7s0x wrote

My mom used to live on Leopard St back in the 90's. Every morning she'd go to that Mcdonalds, get a cup of coffee, and talk to the other old people who would all hang out there. Her house was a little thing, with a yard she fixed up and planted flowers everywhere. In it's place now is some giant 3 story ugly grey thing with no yard. That's Fishtown in a nutshell to me.


Asanokyo t1_iwhbyrd wrote

Damn, I just found out that the Checkers on 2nd and Lehigh is shut down and now this McD’s? Thought they’d be there forever.


Sage2050 t1_iwhd22x wrote

They also closed the McDonald's in grays ferry by the super fresh and there's no more with easy access for me during the work day


Jimboslice85 t1_iwhe9i7 wrote

Not Philly but the one on 611 on horsham is terrible


MyGoodn3ssMyGuinness t1_iwi2zgk wrote

God I remember needing something from the little gas station convenience store thing next door. The McDonalds was closed at this point because of the riots, and when I walked up to the store I just opened the door and it was all empty and abandoned. My brother and I dipped immediately because we had no idea who might be inside. Met many strange characters on Broad & Girard back in the day. Used to live on 15th nearby.


embarrassmyself t1_iwmk2zh wrote

I was in a really long line during a snow day and a group of four loud ass girls jumped in front of me when I was finally 2nd in line after waiting for around 30-45 mins. I tried to step around them saying I had been there and they all starting screaming at me and threatening to beat my ass and a security guard said I should just go. Lmao never went back… that was like 10 years ago


mshoneynj t1_iwflo5x wrote

Club McDonald’s?


erice3r t1_iwfup2t wrote

this McDonald’s had the best crispy chicken sandwich I’ve ever had, and the crispiest pipin hot fries money could buy.


InnsmouthConspirator t1_iwghj3n wrote

Can someone tell me why there is no Burger King / McDonalds in any center city location? I would think these franchises would be very popular and would have multiple locations similar to Starbucks. But both the Center City locations (McDonalds on Walnut St. and Burger King on Market St.) closed shortly after the pandemic in 2020.



Waru_ t1_iwgww5r wrote

This is how I feel about the one at broad and Carpenter. It was definitely one of the worst McDonald’s ever and there was a fight pretty much every time I went in. But the convenience factor was way up there. Then one day it was just gone


imanAholebutimfunny t1_iwhlmhv wrote

Lot remains empty and unbought just because of how shitty the mickey d's was.

The aura still surrounds the location somehow


Popular-Newt-1603 t1_iwj3qia wrote

end of an era...when I think McDonalds in its prime with the frosted cups I think of this one for me growing up on Cecil B

me and my fiance went to this one last year I think and it was hanging on for dear life

somebody got their order wrong 2 cars up got up and caused a fuss at the window and a manager had to come out to the drive thru and I believe I saw a knife almost that was nice


Quick_slip t1_iwjnw4m wrote

Good riddance. Hated this particular store with a passion.


IllustriousArcher199 t1_iwq4jrz wrote

Go to the little diner across the street on Girard. They have a great breakfast and the best home fries. Happy Joy!


Kinoblau t1_iwf7lxf wrote

If the Checkers is still open it's fine, the better restaurant won.


Simply827 t1_iwff4lt wrote

Nope, they closed too. But there are signs outside that say “tenant secured”, so maybe something else will come.


thot_bryan t1_iwfghha wrote

Someone was painting the building entirely black like.. two months ago but that’s the last i’ve seen of anyone in that building. Since then it’s been spray painted and damaged again with seemingly no movement from whoever bought it lol so who knows


RogueDeckard t1_iwetbi0 wrote

I live across the street and didn't even notice. I hate McDonald's and have adhd tho so it makes sense.


SouthPhilly_215 t1_iwfnmhw wrote

Careful… I was tryna figure out if anyone in the business, political, or arts community could find a way to reopen the movie theater in South Philly (United Artists Riverview) and was told I’m “entitled”… lol. “Nobody is entitled to a movie theater”, they said… Seems like this sub is being nicer to your McDonald’s. In any case, sorry for your loss.


saturnshighway t1_iwezhfu wrote

Nooooo one of the last ones left and the best one :(


KnittedKnight t1_iwfii9u wrote

Can you blame them, corporations don't want to be in Philly anymore. Starbucks, Wawa, now McDonald's. It's going to be an absolute food desert. If you don't take care of your community things leave. Edit: word


dc122186 t1_iwgiftr wrote

LOL a lack of fast food is not the definition of a food desert


KnittedKnight t1_iwglvb7 wrote

When there are no fast food places and convenient stores to loot you think it's going to stop there? Don't be so short sighted.


dc122186 t1_iwgm54k wrote

You think this McDonald's closed because it got looted? Even if it did (It didn't), you know all of that happened over two and a half years ago? Do you just type words at random and then hit submit?


wheres__my__towel t1_iwgpvwn wrote

i mean regardless of looting, this place was a stain on mcdonald’s image. i live by here and it was by far the worst mcdonald’s i’ve ever been to. check the google reviews


dc122186 t1_iwgqzon wrote

Oh I'm well aware. This was a frequent bathroom stop of mine after Union Transfer shows back when I was in my 20s. It's absolutely a good thing that this location doesn't exist anymore, but the guy I was responding to is painting this as a sign of the downfall of Philadelphia 😂