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throwawaitnine t1_iu1yqjw wrote

Bro, it's 100% your life. You live it how you want. All I'm giving you is the most basic common sense advice possible, it's not even really an opinion.


[deleted] t1_iu21uwt wrote



throwawaitnine t1_iu23o32 wrote

No I'm saying, don't stretch your last cent, save your money. Want corporate profits to stop soaring? Stop buying their shit.


[deleted] t1_iu23v1n wrote



throwawaitnine t1_iu25cb3 wrote

If you spend all your money on gas and your home, then you probably can't afford your home.


[deleted] t1_iu26zfb wrote



throwawaitnine t1_iu27q04 wrote

Dude I couldn't care less about your opinion of me. It's really the simplest shit in the world, live below your means and save your extra money and before you know it you'll be financially secure. If you'd rather spend all your money and be broke and complain about oligarchs, you do you bro, I could not care less.