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CountryGuy123 t1_iuahrx4 wrote

I’m curious and no judgement at all: Is it you prefer less-crowded places, or are not someone that likes being around sports fans / crowds cheering (loud noise) / etc?

I have zero interest in baseball, but I love the energy and general euphoria in the playoffs (and I’m an active participant with football)


afdc92 t1_iuanzv3 wrote

I’m a baseball fan, have been all my life. I’ve been loving watching the Phillies in the World Series runup. But I don’t enjoy watching the games in crowded restaurants or bars. It’s so loud you can’t hear yourself think, it’s often standing room only which sucks for hours on end, it’s crowded and you’re often jammed together with strangers, and depending on where you go the food isn’t the best and beer options are limited (and you often end up nursing a warm beer for a while). I have a much better time ordering a couple of pizzas and wings and having a few friends over. There’s cold beers in the fridge, it’s comfortable, it’s not loud, and you can actually chat and hear yourself during commercial breaks.


CountryGuy123 t1_iuaui4k wrote

Totally makes sense. I often feel the same - There’s a difference between crowded and makes me feel claustrophobic. Thanks again, was curious from the way you put it.


rossdowdell OP t1_iuari2q wrote

I love sports. I am just curious about others who are not.

I have a genuine interest in what other people think and do.