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Unfamiliar_Word t1_jdml3x5 wrote

I like this. Republicans have made drag into some kind of insidious, malevolent evil as part of their never-ending campaign to whip the the dumbest people you knew in high school into a rabid froth, but it's mostly fun, expressive and campy. I'm not interested in it myself, but I like that it can have a place in society generally and Philadelphia in particular. That alternatives tend to become pretty appalling.

Talking about street sweeping, hiring police getting sh*t done and how Jeff Brown lied about Michelle Obama endorsing him have^(*) has gone on and will still go on, but there's nothing really lost and a little gained in having a brief respite to show support people who have been cruelly, cynically and unfairly targeted for villainization by actual evil villains.

^(*None of this is meant to reflect an opinion or judgement of any candidates; it mostly reflects what I heard over the radio at the Fine Wine & Good Spirits on Locust Street a few days ago.)


armchairmegalomaniac t1_jdmrbc4 wrote

I wonder if conservatives went after vaudeville back in the day. Going after drag shows is essentially like going after vaudeville.


oliver_babish t1_jdn4waj wrote

Conservatives have always decried our culture as too tawdry. It's kinda their thing. (Except for anything Trump does; that's classy.)


Tall-Ad5755 t1_jdu4etq wrote

I don’t understand and probally will never understand my fellow lgbts obsession with mainstreaming the culture🤷🏽‍♂️. I get the sharing of accounts, hospital visits and all that but….he best parts of being gay is the countercultural ness of it all. Why sanitize the art of drag to make it palatable for kids….like why even go there….why can’t it just be what it is, why can’t it be for us, adult and raunchy and funny. Ultimately, it parents want to take their kid to a show that’s on them….they should have a choice in that matter tho.


NardDog6969420 t1_jdokly5 wrote

No one has a problem with drag. It's the drag queens twerking in front of kids that conservatives have a problem with.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_jdw3gwi wrote

Except that's never been a thing. If conservatives were actually about protecting children, they would stop going to church and we'd have strict gun control.

It's about inventing a boogyman. Your average conservative doesn't need much of a push to become a deranged homophobe, you literally just need to say "but the kids!" and they'll show you how they really feel. Just look at all of the nutjobs screaming in gay people's faces calling them pedophiles, just because they're gay. Like most topics, conservatives are more dangerous to the thing they're trying to "protect" than any fake news boogyman they've been told to hate.


huggy19 t1_je07koe wrote

It definitely is the case there’s a million videos on line of kids at drag shows even giving money to drag queens who are stripping

edit: I know y’all don’t like to hear it but just look into it for yourself please 👀


BigDickolasNicholas t1_je6rncs wrote

Bullshit. This is like when right wingers talk about how they would see CP all over Twitter before Elon took over but suddenly don't see it any more. It's fake news.

Side note, if you are truly concerned for the safety of children, you would be in support of banning them from religious institutions right? Given how widespread child abuse is there.


huggy19 t1_je6tgcu wrote

Bro all I’m saying is google it if you’re too afraid that’s a whole other thing, it’s happening every day

For example I just looked up “drag show kids” Just last night there was one at tulips Dallas Fort Worth and one of the performers penis popped out 🤦‍♂️ they’re everyday bro


BigDickolasNicholas t1_je749hj wrote

Can't lie on the internet


huggy19 t1_je75n3o wrote

Ok so you’re not a serious thinker it seems, you’ve gone ad hominem, thrown red herrings and straw-manned in you comments.

There are resources for you or anyone else to determine with your own mind why there are people who are so upset.

endless cases. Any day of the week just google or look up on Twitter drag show kids and see what videos come up. You’ll see with your own eyes not through parroting what you’ve heard elsewhere .

Most like you’ll hit me w another logical fallacy but hopefully you at least comment on the tulips Dallas video since it’s circulating this 24 hours.


BigDickolasNicholas t1_je7ic3p wrote

Don't forget I'm gaslighting you too, gotta get all the reddit buzzwords in one go


huggy19 t1_je7ka8v wrote

They’re logical fallacies smdh. Learned them in philly public school system .

Logic defined as the conservation of truth through successive statements or something like that, these fallacies just are names for common patterns when logic breaks down.

It would be gaslighting if you watched the video and still said I was lying imo, but I never heard gaslighting in a logic class

Your inability to address the issue and respond to what I’m actually saying, to even consider an alternative view is extraordinary. Even if you think I’m wrong shouldn’t you want to prove it? If it’s a lie, you wouldn’t be able to find the things that I’m saying exist; they exist or they don’t 🤷‍♂️


huggy19 t1_jdqms34 wrote

Exactly 💯

It is about the drag shows for kids, kids giving lil dollar bills to drag queens who are dancing with their butts and boobs out.

Don’t take my word, look up some permutation of “kids at drag shows”, these kinds of videos are everywhere if you’re out of a certain echo chamber.


[deleted] t1_jdmxudy wrote



Unfamiliar_Word t1_jdn1in9 wrote

What the fuck are you even talking about? Are They/Them Antifa Supersoldier militias forcing kindergarten classes into drag queen story hours at gunpoint?

The word, "force,' or, "forced," or phrases like, "shove down or throats," usually amount to the most disingenuous bullshit wherever they are used. Drag is just the latest convenient fuel for the fires of fear, disgust and anger that burn in the heart of their movement that they have to keep shoveling in for it to keep moving.


PhillyPanda t1_jdoayff wrote

Clear transparent permission slips for educational instances should be a thing. But parental decisions… don’t get why anyone would be upset


BigShawn424 t1_jdn2ape wrote

Don’t get belligerent with me, I would like to talk about this civilly. Drag queens perform at night clubs and at other places that are not for kids. So what is the benefit of having a drag queen read to kids or having your kids attend some of their shows.


AgentDaxis t1_jdn3ovk wrote

"So what is the benefit of having a drag queen read to kids or having your kids attend some of their shows."

It's called fun.

And no one is forcing children to attend these shows.


NardDog6969420 t1_jdr0rm2 wrote

Their parents are forcing them. That's why it's called DRAG your kids to Pride. You don't drag someone who is willing to go. You're forcing them.


BigShawn424 t1_jdn3yui wrote

Their parents are when they take them.


AgentDaxis t1_jdn4bgw wrote

Are you suggesting you know better than their own parents?

Do you even have children yourself?


Indiana_Jawns t1_jdn7qdj wrote

Right wing logic: parents can have absolute control over what kids learn in school but can’t decide on their entertainment on the weekend


BigShawn424 t1_jdn4nuj wrote

You said no one is forcing children to be there and their parents are the ones taking them. I dont think there are kids begging their parents to take them to drag performances.


Unfamiliar_Word t1_jdn6qjs wrote

They're probably not begging their parents to take them to church either. Do you have a problem with Jesus being forced upon children?


AgentDaxis t1_jdn3kxj wrote

What drag is being forced upon children?


[deleted] t1_jdn3w1k wrote



oliver_babish t1_jdn53kl wrote

So if a public school (a governmental body) invites a drag performance, that's bad, but if parents bring their kids, that's also bad, so if neither government nor parents can make that decision, who can?


[deleted] t1_jdnca86 wrote



diatriose OP t1_jdncqe5 wrote

So it's neither up to parents or schools but rather mayors and governors?


ell0bo t1_jdo0lpz wrote

That's republican 'small' government for ya. The only good government is the one that they agree with, if they don't then it's personal rights, unless they disagree with that too.

Basically, they were all the kid that took their ball and went home when they were losing. I'd call it hypocrisy if they ever actually stood one way or the other, lol.


[deleted] t1_jdncx4y wrote



BigShawn424 t1_jdnp76u wrote

Here we go. Can you really not have a disagreement without insulting someone?


electric_ranger t1_jdo0g35 wrote

You’re gonna have to take the L on this one, BigShawn. People get understandably riled up when there’s a concentrated campaign to eliminate their way of life.

It’s okay if drag isn’t for you, it’s not my cup of tea either. But the way you handle that is… not going to drag shows. Not banning them.


Indiana_Jawns t1_jdo1h4g wrote

Is this the best you’re going to do? You’re leaving the bigotry up but removing comments calling it bigotry?

At least tell me he’s getting a ban for this bullshit


sugr_magnolia t1_jdo3ku3 wrote

Please report content. We will gladly review user reports and remove/leave up content or ban users accordingly.


AgentDaxis t1_jdn4897 wrote

Again, none of those things are being "forced" on anyone.

And are you suggesting parents shouldn't have a say in bring their own children someplace?


[deleted] t1_jdn4wj1 wrote



wis91 t1_jdnb12e wrote

This makes no sense. Drag performers don’t have sex for money. Are you actually this stupid?


[deleted] t1_jdnbsjb wrote



mynameisntjeffrey t1_jdnrje6 wrote

You’re equating drag queens to porn stars and then getting annoyed when people call you out on it? Just don’t make wildly exaggerated comments if you don’t want people to tell you how ridiculous your wildly exaggerated comments are.

If the basis of your argument relies on you wildly exaggerating what you’re arguing about to make your point then your point is wrong.


BigShawn424 t1_jdnsftz wrote

You can call someone out without insulting them


mynameisntjeffrey t1_jdntxj5 wrote

You do realize that equating drag to porn is incredibly insulting right? It’s not just you getting offended.

But that’s besides the point. I’m honestly curious how you compare drag to porn. Cheerleaders dress insanely provocatively in their performances. Are they pornstars too? Should we ban children from sporting events? I don’t think we should, but I also don’t think the government should ban drag either. What’s your take?


sugr_magnolia t1_jdo33tq wrote

If you felt insulted by any comments, you should have reported them.

You are correct in saying that someone should be able to respond without adding insults into the mix. I haven't seen anything that crosses that line* but - again - feel free to report.

*Edit: that hasn't already been removed.


wis91 t1_jdnc1fd wrote

No, your comparison is legitimately stupid.


Indiana_Jawns t1_jdnir5u wrote

Keeps making bigoted posts, complains about people being mean about bigoted posts… SMH


AgentDaxis t1_jdnlr4z wrote

You're equating drag performers with porn stars now?

Good grief...


themightychris t1_jdnxw3i wrote

^ This is someone who has no idea what a drag show is outside what they've heard gossiped on conservative media

I've never seen anything more sexual at a drag show than I've seen at school talent shows and football games when I was in middle school.

What you see at a drag show is people doing silly music videos dressed as showy women. It's not just harmless but healthy for a kid to see.

Odds are there will be kids in any middle school class that start realizing they don't feel like everyone else does w/r/t their gender. Is it so bad that those kids and their peers know they can still be normal happy people and there's places for them in this world?

Kids don't learn to be attracted to the opposite sex from theater and media, they get flooded with hormones in puberty and it changes them unexpectedly. What they've seen in media and culture up to that point just determines whether they feel like they're still normal or like they're deviant/broken after that.

Kids see men dressed masculine, they see women dressed feminine, they see women dancing provocatively, they see love stories where men and women kiss and get married and start families. You don't hear any of that ever likened to pornography—it's only when those representations might help a queer kid feel like they fit into society too that it becomes inappropriate


LoudGroans t1_jdpq0ts wrote

Excuse me, but are you kidding me? Dude, I LOVE drag shows specifically because of how raunchy and ridiculous they are. I, a straight dude, once walked into an impromptu drag show and within five minutes I was brought on stage to deep throat a fucking pretzel and twerk with a bunch of women. I volunteered for it. I did that shit with an open mind and an open throat and a genuine love of pretzels.

It was a hilariously good time and I had a blast.

If the drag shows you're going to AREN'T rowdy and ridiculous and inherently charged with latent sexual energy, you're going to the wrong drag shows, bud.

But that's my thing about this. It's so fucking weird to me that we're at a point where we're using children as the battleground. Why? Why sexualize ANYTHING for children, or politicize anything to their detriment? This is so wildly immature.

Drag shows are fun and beautiful and ridiculous, and they definitely should not be attended by children. The same way nobody under the age of 18 should be allowed in a hooters.

And far as outfits go, as a rational, normal adult, think about what drag outfits look like. If it was a cis white woman walking into a PTA meeting or coming onto a school bus as a school trip aid dressed in what your brain immediately thinks of as a typical drag outfit, you'd legit be like, "What the fuck, Jen? Go home with that shit..."

Not because Jen's not allowed to dress that way, but because these are fucking kids and you should have some common sense, you kook.

The conversation should be that simple, but we're so passed that. We're all sticking to our rigid beliefs and escalating these situations into something that makes literally no sense because we're so committed to being right about everything.

People on the left advocating for drag shows in elementary school are insane. People on the right advocating to ban LGBT events and drag shows statewide (like in TN), are insane. These are all actions, reactions, and escalations.

This consistent "fuck around and find out" loop we're all antagonistically living in has got to stop, because shit like this will KEEP HAPPENING in republican controlled states.

They'll keep saying shit like, "Oh, so you want drag performers reading to OUR CHILDREN? Okay, well, now we're going to do everything we can to make sure drag performers can't even perform in adult venues in OUR STATE."

Like, what did everyone expect was going to happen? That a bunch of weirdo republicans would take that sitting down?

It's like poking a bear with a stick and then complaining when the bear rips your guts out. Be smarter, more tactful, and more strategic. Especially in places where you're behind enemy lines LIKE THE FUCKING BIBLE BELT.

I am beyond frustrated here.


Tall-Ad5755 t1_jdu2u90 wrote

That’s exactly my point. Why would you want to even do it? Like, what’s the point.

I’m perfectly fine with a form of entertainment being for adults; keep it in its lane.


ell0bo t1_jdo117g wrote

First, yes. Someone's job doesn't make them a bad person.

Secondly, porn stars and drag queens aren't equivalent at all. Do you know what you're arguing against? Have you ever been to a drag show?