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FMG1978 t1_jcagv9h wrote

Question from student: Yes or no, will you build us a new school because ours is crumbling?

Answer from all 9 candidates: Yes!

Next line in the article: The mayor does not have the power to close schools or fix how state funding is distributed but does choose school board members and can advocate in Harrisburg.

And the machine churns on.


ClintBarton616 t1_jcb55yf wrote

This is EXACTLY why I hated working on Rebuild "community outreach"

Politicians overpromising "you'll get a new library and a new rec center!" when the reality was "new carpet and less asbestos"


SanjiSasuke t1_jcbgqe1 wrote

When it comes to positions like mayor or PotUS there's not really an option.

Who's gonna get the votes? Candidate A who says "I will do what I can to work with City Council, municipal agencies, and the State, but I can't promise anything, since the Mayor's office has limited powers to..." or Candidate B who says "Mexico will pay for the whole thing!"

Candidate A doesn't even get trotted out


ClintBarton616 t1_jcbz6pz wrote

people preferring comforting lies is why democracy just can't work in this country