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8Draw t1_jdd52ev wrote

I gotta assume the reason they're bringing back street sweeping is to account for this.

It's a shitty, roundabout way to get there, but in the end there's no good reason this work should be farmed out to a private company.


Mike81890 t1_jdd7640 wrote

Working with Philadelphia's municipal services is making me in favor of privatization honestly. I never would have imagined myself feeling this way.

I WANT Philly to handle these sorts of things themselves, but they've proven time and again to be so fucking incompetent. I guess what I'm saying is that the city has broken me and my idealism


avo_cado t1_jddgccb wrote

How would privatization improve this?


thetinguy t1_jddn476 wrote

There wouldn't be stupid disagreements about picking up trash. I pay you money you pick up the trash. WM does this for many munis and cities.


Mike81890 t1_jddhoux wrote

Glitter was working. It was a private organization.


avo_cado t1_jddjbyj wrote

Sure, on top of normal trash collection


Mike81890 t1_jddp0f1 wrote

Oh absolutely. I'm not suggested we privatize all sanitation, but the desire to block a private organization from EXISTING in this lane is preposterous.


hatramroany t1_jddojzu wrote

Glitter allegedly comes to my block once a month (not that I have noticed a difference) because we can’t afford more and they force us to subsidize neighboring blocks. Trash collection comes to our block every week and has maybe been a day late once in the last year.