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surferdude313 t1_jbgk2ur wrote

Dont buy turtles. They can live 20+ years, require a large tank, heating lamps, water heaters, food, filters for cleaning. My sister bought me two as a gift for Christmas 10 years ago. I have one bc the survivor killed the other. These are not pets they are commitments


flamehead2k1 t1_jbgknzb wrote

> These are not pets they are commitments

All pets are commitments!


surferdude313 t1_jbgkyyc wrote

I knew as soon as I posted that someone would say this. Yes it's true


mundotaku t1_jbgoxpk wrote

My grandma used to have one in her backyard. She used to own an acre of land and the turtle would show up every so often and thrive by itself.


LaxinPhilly t1_jbj9h0a wrote

My neighbor has a full ass Tortoise. It has its own room and isn't fully grown yet at 200 lbs. He had to have a will drawn up so he can bequeath it to someone because the Tortoise will outlive him just to even purchase the thing.

He tried to get me to inherit it and my wife was a solid "No".