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porkchameleon t1_jbf48li wrote

Blue Bond Guitars and BridgeSet Sound are the only one that come to mind off the top of my head.


tasker_morris t1_jbfdga5 wrote

Hi fellow musician. Blue Bond and DiPinto are most folks’ go-to places. But honestly, lots of stuff changes hands through FB marketplace. And if you’ve got a car, Guitar Center in Cherry Hill is one of the best ones I’ve been to. There’s a so-so Sam Ash in the same shopping center.


porkchameleon t1_jbfjf7b wrote

Is 9th Street Music (RIP) still in the area? They used to comp you the toll, if you came from Philly, too.

(They moved out from next door of The Troc when the building was flooded, IIRC).


darkwoke215 t1_jbfppqu wrote

Go see Ed Russakoff at Rustic Music just above 10th and Spruce. He is really connected into the local scene. Looks like he only sells guitars though...


nnp1989 t1_jbfghyb wrote

Another vote for Bluebond here! Great folks there.


DimmyDimmy t1_jbgt49n wrote

Russo. Bluebond doesnt sell used instruments anymore


sureskinsoldier t1_jbjyxqq wrote

society hill loan at 7th and south tends to get a good selection of gear.


Mike81890 t1_jbfjeke wrote

South street sounds has a bunch of stuff. Not sure relative quality / price